Black Desert will begin in a moment.

Install the Black Desert Launcher if the game doesn't start.

Install the Black Desert Launcher to start the game.

The launcher will appear if it's installed.
If it doesn't, try to run your downloaded launcher.

Install Guide

1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_TR.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.


Events Feb 22, 2023, 08:00 (UTC+3) [2023 Spring Greetings] Guild Recruitment Support Campaign!

[2023 Spring Greetings]
Guild Recruitment Support Campaign! 


Attention everyone who wants to welcome new guild recruits! 

Introduce your guild and get special benefits if you are selected as a ‘growing guild!’ 

Guild Recruitment Support Campaign Summary 

Apply for the Guild Recruitment Support Campaign! 

Guild Recruitment Winning Guild Announcement
Week 1 Promoted Guilds
(February 28, 2023 after maintenance - March 8, 2023 before maintenance)
KeyfeKeder Reunion Blossom RestinPeace Halcyon Seraphim
Week 2 Promoted Guilds
(March 8, 2023 after maintenance - March 15, 2023 before maintenance)
Fiorella GloriousDucks AspaN MinasŢirith Didyma HellsBells


Introduce Your Guild and Become a ‘Growing Guild!’! 
Period: February 22 (Wed) after maintenance ~ February 28 (Tues) before maintenance 

* Guilds chosen as a ‘growing guild’ will be notified through this notice on February 28th after maintenance. 

Step 1

Go to Guild (G) → Guild Intro and Introduce Your Guild 



Step 2

Promote on the [Guilds & Friends] Forum! 


Required Post Format  

✔ Your post’s title must start with [Spring Greetings] (Required) 

✔ Include an image of your guild intro page! (Required) 

✔ Introduce your guild so that new and returning adventurers can pick your guild! 

✔ Feel free to include any other promotional images and/or videos! 


What are ‘Growing Guilds?’ 
Growing Guilds are guilds that are selected through the Guild Recruitment Support Campaign and will be given the following benefits: 
① If you click on Guild(G), a Black Spirit mark will be displayed in front of the guild name, positioning the name at the top of the guild list! 
② The guild will be introduced in the Adventurer’s Note (F2) and on this notice!  


① If you’re looking to welcome Adventurers to your guild, introduce your guild to prospective members with the in-game Guild (G) → Guild Intro! 
* Guild Masters, Advisors, or Officers can write guild intros! 
Tip for Intros!  
Make sure to include the advantages or special benefits that will attract new/returning Adventurers! 
② After you’ve finished your guild intro, post your guild recruitment notice! 

▲ From the Guild (G) menu → Click the Guild Recruitment Notice icon! 
▲ Select your guild “type” and post it! You can click “Notice List” to see the recruitment posts. 

After 'refreshing' the Guild Member Recruitment window, you can check if you have registered successfully.
③ Once you’ve finished the steps above, follow the format below and upload a post advertising your guild on the Black Desert website’s [Community] → [Guilds & Friends] forum. 
* Don't forget to add [Spring Greetings] in the title! 


Guild Promotion for Growing Guilds! 

Guilds that are selected as growing guilds will have opportunites for promotion in a variety of ways! 

Benefits Period: February 28 (Tues) after maintenance ~ March 29 (Wed) before maintenance 



* If guilds do not have new/returning adventurers nor guild activities from the time they were selected as a Growing Guild, they may be removed from receiving benefits. 

* If you change your guild type (Combat, Life, Sailing, Adventure) from the time you are selected as a Growing Guild, your guild may not be at the top of the guild recruitment screen. 



Growing Guilds Activity Ideas! 

✔ Welcome new and returning adventurers and help them get accustomed to the world of Black Desert.  

✔ Have the new and returning adventurers join in on a variety of party or guild activities! 

✔ Strengthen bonds on the Red Battlefield or in Node Wars together! 

* However, please note that violating the Operational Policy/Privacy Policy may revoke your growing guild status!  



If you are a new or returning adventurer without a guild, now is the time to join one! 
Joining a guild that fits your gameplay style allows you to enjoy better adventures in Black Desert! 

① Press (G) on your keyboard to open the “Recruit Guild Member” window. 

* You only view this window when you’re not in a guild. 

② Use the Combat, Life, Sailing, and Adventure categories to find a guild that fits you best. 
✔ Tip! Growing guilds have the Black Spirit mark by their name! 

③ Press the “Join” button for the guild you want to apply for! 


Once you’ve joined a guild, you can enjoy a variety of guild content and benefits! 

① Guild skills that boost a variety of stats! 

② Node War & Conquest War! 

③ Try the guild exclusive boss raids! 

④ And of course, meeting other Adventurers who you can enjoy playing Black Desert with! 

* Additional Notices

- You will not be eligible for the event if your post’s title does not start with [Spring Greetings].

- Pearl Abyss reserves the right to the ownership of adaptation rights for all screenshots, videos, and all other content submitted for this event. Pearl Abyss may also use these contents at its own discretion for promotional purposes without restrictions to time or location.
- If you are found to have participated in the event in an inappropriate way (using another person’s work, etc.), you may be disqualified from the event, have any prizes withdrawn, and have your account restricted even after the winners announcement. (E.g., Copying something uploaded to another site.)

- Selected guilds will be notified through this notice on February 28 (Tues) after maintenance. However, Pearl Abyss reserves the right to change this schedule depending on the circumstances.
- Pearl Abyss reserves the right to change or cancel the event depending on mitigating circumstances. If changes are made, they can be found on this event page.
- Participating in the event using inappropriate methods may result in a cancellation/retrieval of your reward(s) and/or restriction from the game.

- For any questions or concerns regarding the event, please contact us via [Support].

- Any content not mentioned on this page is subject to the [Black Desert Event Rules].