Black Desert will begin in a moment.

Install the Black Desert Launcher if the game doesn't start.

Install the Black Desert Launcher to start the game.

The launcher will appear if it's installed.
If it doesn't, try to run your downloaded launcher.

Install Guide

1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_TR.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.


GM Notes Mar 29, 2018, 16:00 (UTC+3) Developer's Note

Greetings Adventurers,


Hello, this is Jae-Hee Kim, the Executive Producer of Black Desert Online.


Spring is finally upon us, and we hope to bring you fragrant news pleasing enough for all of our wonderful adventurers.

Following the previous Developer’s Note, we want to announce yet another change to some of the content in Black Desert Online.


  • "Why do we die in the village?" Good-bye to Negative Karma !


Negative Karma could originally be used as a perk for building failstacks and there are many players who purposely fail in enhancing Grunil, Zereth or Reblath gear to build up on failstacks. It became apparent that many adventurers are seeing this almost as a requirement for Enhancement.


As you may know, degrading + 15 gear may require being repeatedly killed by a town guard, in order to be able on build more failstacks on a +14 or lower item.


This ‘Negative Karma’ building is obviously very stressful and an unintended way for our adventurers to perform their Enhancement. Little did we know in early development that such an unexpected way would be chosen as a mundane way to practice Enhancement.

Though we were aware many adventurers were using this method, it almost seems to have become a formula creating an unpleasant and difficult entry for new adventurers to be introduced to.


With the patch soon to be implemented, priests in each town along with other NPCs who can cleanse Energy will be able to cleanse gear infused with Black Spirit’s Energy. By this, we mean these NPCs will be able to degrade your +15 gear infused with Black Spirit’s Energy down to +14. This, however, will require some Silver Coins as payment.



  • “Where have I stored my Crystals?” Checking Storage of other towns


It’s no surprise when a new adventurer sends in a question that reads, “I’ve lost my item”. Even experienced adventurers may have been in a situation where you had to rummage through storage in many towns to find what you were looking for. While it is advantageous for adventurers that there are plenty storage slots in different towns, you’d need quite a good memory to remember what was stored where every time.


We will soon put in a mechanic to allow our adventurers to check all storages in towns. Not only will there be a function that will pop up as a separate menu to check the Storage of the town you are in, but Transports between Storages will also be available.


  • Battle, Conquer, Claim Victory - Conquest/Node War Optimization


Conquest and Node War are some of the most exciting features of Black Desert Online. Fighting epic battles between rival Guilds for property, bragging rights and castles is probably the most loved feature for many adventurers. We do acknowledge that the increasing number of adventurers participating caused too much data for our servers to process which ultimately led to lag issues typically in Conquest Wars.


After in-depth monitoring, we have found unnecessary packets being used during Conquest wars and we have minimized such packet usage with this week’s update. In addition, we have made further improvements to the servers to alleviate lag issues. We hope that this optimization work will also have an impact on areas where many adventurers gather all at once such as areas with World Bosses spawns.


We will closely monitor the game to ensure a smoother gameplay environment where all of our adventurers will continue to enjoy fierce battles.


We always endeavor to provide optimized gaming environment for all of our adventurers.

Please allow us a little time to process all of your input and feedback, and we’ll surely return with updates and fixes catering to all of our adventurers’ needs.


Thank you for your continuing support.