Black Desert will begin in a moment.

Install the Black Desert Launcher if the game doesn't start.

Install the Black Desert Launcher to start the game.

The launcher will appear if it's installed.
If it doesn't, try to run your downloaded launcher.

Install Guide

1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_TR.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.


GM Notes Mar 29, 2018, 07:00 (UTC+3) Hunt Golems to gather Sharp Black Crystal Shards!

Hello, Adventurers!


All weapons improve when you increase their enhancement level, but did you know you need to use special material to enhance them to PRI and above?

You need the ‘Concentrated Magical Black Stone (Weapon)’, which you can get from a ‘Sharp Black Crystal Shard’. We are going to introduce a place where you can get them through hunting and gathering.  



▶ How do you gather Sharp Black Crystal Shards?

You have a chance of getting Sharp Black Crystal Shards by using the gathering life skill.

However, there is a way to get them with a higher probability! It’s by hunting golems!


You can gather from the corpses of Wilderness, Gravestone, and Stone Golems. They give you Iron Ores, Rough Stones, Diamonds, Melted Iron Shards, Sharp Black Crystal Shards, and others.



▶ Where can I find Golems?

The location of golems are not marked on the map. So if you weren’t looking at your surroundings carefully, chances are you ran past them! The golems are in two locations east of Heidel. There are some in the forest between Ancient Ruins Excavation Site and Kamasylve Temple nodes, and in the field east of Ancient Ruins Excavation Site node.

▲ You can find a lot of golems in the forest (to the west), while the field has Golem Summoning Stones (to the east). It is safe to park your horse near the Ancient Ruins Excavation Site Node Manager, Jamo Hasa.


▶ Some facts about Golems

There are 3 types of golems, the Wilderness Golems, Gravestone Golems, and Stone Golems. Then there is the Golem Summoning Stones.


▲ The summoning stone needs to be activated to summon golems.

(Top - Not activated / Bottom - Activated)


The summoning stone can summon all 3 types of golems. However, if you destroy the summoning stone first, the summoned golems disappear. Kill the golems and then destroy the stone.


The golems are much more dangerous compared to other monsters in Mediah. They have special skills which creates a different attacking pattern from other monsters, and they have higher attack and defence.

The special skills that the golems use have knock back and knock down effects. Which can be dangerous because it makes you vulnerable to additional attacks.


▲ Being knocked down is very dangerous.


They have a skill where they touch the ground and send 3 shockwaves forward. The Wilderness and Gravestone Golems use this skill, but when the wilderness golem uses this, it has the knock back and knock down effects.


▲ The wilderness and stone golems use a skill where they fall forward to bodyslam their enemies.


The golems use other skills as well. Since they have high attack and defence compared to other monsters, it is harder to kill them in a large group. If you are struggling, it might be easier to kill them one by one.


▶ Be sure to gather from the golems!

The golems drop ‘Intact Golem’s Core’, ‘Golem Fragment’, and ‘Broken Golem’s Core’. If you collect 700 Golem Fragments, you can exchange at an NPC for a 10G gold bar. You can sell the Intact Golem’s Cores for 2,200 silver a piece, and trade the ‘Broken Golem’s Core’ to a trader for 5,000 silver (original price).

▲The golems drop the ‘Bensho’s Necklace’. You could either sell it on the Marketplace, or you can heat it to make ‘Hard Black Crystal Shards’.



▲ Take down the golems and gather Sharp Black Crystal Shards from their corpses!


Your gathering level and gathering speed affects your gathering from the golems. The higher your gathering level is, the more likely you won’t spend energy. You can also save time by increasing your character’s gathering speed. So, you will be able to get more Sharp Black Crystal Shards by having a high gathering level and increasing your gathering speed.

So now you know where to find the golems and that you can get Sharp Black Stone Shards from them. They may be harder to kill compared to other monsters in the region, but they give you so much more!


Thank you.