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Install Guide

1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_TR.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.


GM Notes Aug 17, 2022, 07:00 (UTC+3) Interviews with the Owners of Masterpieces

After the auctions of the Thousand Years Masterpieces at Terrmian Beach came to a close,
we reached out to the winning bidders to interview them about purchasing the masterpieces
created by Kakuo, the Otter arist, and Parapura, the Papu sculpture.

▲ Winners With Kakuo's Drawings

▲ Winners with Parapura’s Sculptures

💬  Hello, Adventure! Please introduce yourself.


[Tempeşt] my name is tempest i joined the game around 2 years ago and i love to collect rare items
ether outfits or normal items



💬  When did you start being interested in the masterpieces?


[Tempeşt] as soon as i saw them i said to my self i must get them
i must own something other players dont have and cannot have in the future



💬  What do you like the most about the masterpiece?


[Tempeşt] very unique and one of a kind
just like the lion ring, only one can get it
as i said i love collecting everything


💬  What's the first thing you thought of when you found out you won the masterpiece? Walk us through your thought process.


[Tempeşt] well i tried getting them all and when i got them i was happy to be the first to own something
no body
has i like to try and work for something no body can get but meit feels like i progressed more than the others
yes thats my no.1 on the game
1 more item to go and ill be the first to own all rare items on mena thats my goal



💬  Did you have any strategy for the auction?
(Like starting with a higher bid to make competitors give up.)


[Tempeşt] yes what i did is wait to see all bids then i raise the bid by 1bil min to show the others thats someone wants it so bad.


💬  You must have had a lot of thoughts and emotions during the auction. Did the auction/bidding go as well as you planned?


[Tempeşt] yes lots of fear of loosing the bid and yes it did at the last 10 mins of the bid i stayed here to raise if someone outbid me
i had 20bil in the storage just in case



💬  How much did you expect to spend on this auction?


[Tempeşt] i had in mind 100 bil just for the bidding



💬  Take a good look at your masterpiece and then interpret it for us.
(For those of you who are art enthusiasts, we'd like to hear your expert critique!)


[Tempeşt] ill start from the left it feels like a merge old and new, the shell means dark past as i see it, the one at the bottom the sea, middle top building a future, top right the identinty of the otters, far right peace bottom one is land, thats how i see it



💬  Where's your favorite residence? Could you share some details about it?
(City, house number, why you like it etc.)


[Tempeşt] the manor ofc its big and you can add lots of things to it sadly theres not alot of items you can add to the mano i already got all the manor items even the shai stage
the rest of the houses for me is for crafting and buffing for farming



💬  What do you normally do at your Manor/Residence and how much time do you spend there?


[Tempeşt] the manor has lots of options to it set and look around the items i worked hard on i don't spend a lot of time there i just look around for anything missing and i just go and get it i feel its the best thing to do



💬  What is your favorite furniture/housing item(s)?


[Tempeşt] my fav is the rich merchant's ring furniture cuz of the glow in it the blue color coming from it is amazing sure anytime



💬  Which craftable furniture item would you recommend crafting to other Adventurers?


[Tempeşt] hmm there's a lot i would recommend but the best is the lights at night the manor has its own thing at night runn lamp its called it has its own rng to make it but its not a waste at all


💬  You can only choose one... regardless of which masterpiece you acquired, are you Team Otter or Team Papu? Let us know the reason behind your alliance.


[Tempeşt] otter for life :)
I feel like they work harder than papu for there ppl.



💬  Share a helpful, inspirational quote with people who will be participating in the upcoming auction.


[Tempeşt] never be afraid to bid higher, i learned that after the first auction



💬  Please share some words with the people who have congratulated you for winning this masterpiece.


[Tempeşt] thank you so much for your support i couldn't done this without you you keep my hopes up and keep playing the game with you guys :)



💬  Would you like to leave any comments for the artist of your masterpiece? (i.e. to either Kakuo or Parapura)


[Tempeşt] your art will be treasured forever

A big thank you to everyone who enjoyed the event, and special thanks to the Adventurers who joined us for interviews!


Although the first auction has come to an end, the remaining two auctions are still to come.(◍•ᴗ•◍)  

If you want to be an owner of such magnificent masterpieces, make sure to check out the auctions in the Black Desert world!


And before we go, here’s a list of all the Adventurers worldwide who won auctions in their own region!




Lot. 1 Supper of the 13th Moon


Taiwan/Hong Kong/Macau  25,000,000,000
Japan  15,000,000,000
Russian-language Regions  14,000,000,000
South Korea  13,570,000,000
North America  13,013,013,013
South America  9,900,000,000
Europe  8,100,000,000
Thailand  7,070,000,000
Turkey & MENA  6,000,000,000
Southeast Asia  5,969,696,969


Lot. 2 Thinking Portrait

Russian-language Regions  24,000,000,000
Europe  22,500,000,000
South Korea  22,000,000,000
Thailand  19,610,000,000
Japan  19,000,000,000
Taiwan/Hong Kong/Macau  15,111,111,111
North America  13,570,305,531
South America  9,200,000,000
Southeast Asia  5,100,000,000
Turkey & MENA  3,000,000,000


Lot. 3 Touched by the Root Nymph
Russian-language Regions  15,000,000,000 
Japan  14,000,000,000 
Taiwan/Hong Kong/Macau  13,200,000,000 
North America  13,000,000,000 
South Korea  12,300,000,000 
South America  12,000,000,000 
Europe  9,550,000,000 
Southeast Asia  6,000,000,000 
Thailand  5,300,000,000 
Turkey & MENA  4,500,000,000 


Lot. 4 Papu

Japan  89,835,481,052
North America  29,552,948,827
South Korea  19,000,000,000
Russian-language Regions  14,000,000,000
Taiwan/Hong Kong/Macau  13,333,333,333
South America  9,500,000,000
Europe  7,600,000,000
Southeast Asia  5,696,969,696
Thailand  5,000,000,000
Turkey & MENA  4,000,000,000


Lot. 5 Blue-eyed Invaders

Russian-language Regions  42,000,000,000
Japan  34,000,000,000
Taiwan/Hong Kong/Macau  20,000,000,000
North America  17,777,777,778
South Korea  17,000,000,000
Europe  16,000,000,000
Thailand  11,111,111,111
Southeast Asia  9,696,969,696
South America  9,100,000,000
Turkey & MENA  3,000,000,000


Lot. 6 Sea of Sun and Moon

South Korea  15,200,000,000
Taiwan/Hong Kong/Macau  15,000,000,000
Japan  14,200,000,000
North America  13,000,000,000
Russian-language Regions  12,222,222,222
Europe  9,000,000,000
South America  6,000,000,000
Southeast Asia  5,696,969,696
Thailand  5,555,555,555
Turkey & MENA  4,000,000,000


Lot. 7 Paradise
North America  40,000,000,000
Russian-language Regions  20,000,000,000
South Korea  17,564,565,311
Taiwan/Hong Kong/Macau  14,444,442,421
Japan  12,345,678,900
Europe  11,111,111,112
Thailand  9,555,555,555
Southeast Asia  8,226,446,027
South America  6,000,000,000
Turkey & MENA  4,000,000,000


Lot. 8 Papu Thinker

Taiwan/Hong Kong/Macau  41,000,000,000
North America  20,500,000,000
South Korea  20,000,000,000
Russian-language Regions  15,641,238,916
Europe  8,888,888,888
Japan  7,777,777,777
Thailand  5,600,000,000
South America  4,500,000,000
Turkey & MENA  4,000,000,000
Southeast Asia  3,959,917,731


Lot. 9 Ostreaebolus

Taiwan/Hong Kong/Macau  35,000,000,000
North America  20,000,000,000
South Korea  14,000,000,000
Russian-language Regions  11,111,111,111
Europe  10,400,000,000
Japan  7,777,777,777
South America  5,000,000,000
Thailand  4,799,578,563
Southeast Asia  4,500,000,000
Turkey & MENA  3,000,000,000


Lot. 10 Papu of Liberty

Taiwan/Hong Kong/Macau  35,000,000,000
North America  21,000,000,000
South Korea  16,000,100,000
Russian-language Regions  10,000,000,000
Japan  8,888,888,888
Europe  8,000,000,000
South America  7,100,000,000
Thailand  6,666,666,666
Turkey & MENA  5,000,000,000
Southeast Asia  4,000,000,000


Lot. 11 The Birth of Paphrodite
Taiwan/Hong Kong/Macau  60,000,000,000
North America  20,000,000,000
Japan  14,000,000,000
South Korea  13,500,000,000
Russian-language Regions  11,042,661,000
Europe  9,200,000,000
South America  8,600,000,000
Southeast Asia  6,200,000,000
Thailand  5,800,000,000
Turkey & MENA  3,000,000,000


Lot. 12 The Creation of Papu

Taiwan/Hong Kong/Macau  51,000,000,000
Russian-language Regions  25,000,000,000
North America  21,500,000,000
South Korea  16,000,000,000
South America  15,000,000,000
Thailand  11,000,000,000
Japan  10,616,939,128
Europe  9,999,999,999
Southeast Asia  5,000,000,000
Turkey & MENA  3,000,000,000