Black Desert will begin in a moment.

Install the Black Desert Launcher if the game doesn't start.

Install the Black Desert Launcher to start the game.

The launcher will appear if it's installed.
If it doesn't, try to run your downloaded launcher.

Install Guide

1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_TR.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.


Notices Mar 21, 2018, 00:00 (UTC+3) Notice - Changes to Mount Data Issue Compensation & Eligibility

Hello, Adventurers.

This is The MMORPG Black Desert.


As you may be aware, we made a previous announcement regarding the issue where mount data was not saving properly. We clarified the compensation rewards as well as the conditions. However, we heard back from many Adventurers asking about how exactly their horses would be compensated.


As such we would like to clarify a bit further about the compensation rewards.


  • - Eligibility of which horse will receive compensation:

  • All families that exist prior to the maintenance on 3/22 (Thu)

  • The highest horse within the family

  • If the grade is the same, the horse with the skill listed in the following order - (S: Sideways, S: Instant Accel, Sideways, Instant Accel, Drift, Sprint, 2-Seater, Charge)

  • If the skill is the same, the horse with the higher level

  • If the level is the same, the horse with the higher EXP

  • If the EXP is the same, the horse that was acquired earlier


  • - If the horse is registered on the Horse Market, or Breeding Market, it will not be the target of compensation.

  • - If the horse breeding is in progress, it will not be the target of compensation.

  • - If the horse that is compensated is dead, it will automatically be revived, and can be found at the same stable where you retrieved it originally.


Furthermore, the Black Desert Operations Team wanted more Adventurers to take advantage of the compensation reward. So, we have decided to extend the compensation date by one week so that Adventurers could raise the horse that they want. This way, it allows Adventurers to have more control over which horse receives the compensation before it is sent.

As an added bonus we will also extend the Mount EXP Hot Time event so it is easier for Adventurers to raise horses as well.


  • - Mount EXP Hot Time Event

  • Buff:  Mount Training EXP +20%

  • Date: From maintenance on 3/22 (Thu) until maintenance on 3/29 (Thu)


  • - Compensation Extension Details

  • Compensation Date: During maintenance on 3/29 (Thu)

  • Compensation Rewards:

  1.  Highest grade horse per family will be made level 30, and will receive all mount skills available.

  2.  Venia Riding Attire (7 Days)

  3.  1 Horse Flute (30 Days)

  4.  2 Mount Skill Change Coupons


We do understand that not all Adventurers may not be satisfied with the compensation. Despite this, we would like to reiterate that each Adventurer in the Turkey & MENA regions are important to us.

We hope that the extended rewards are more convenient for our Adventurers and will show our appreciation.


As always, we will work harder to bring you better game service going forward.

Thank you for your patience and understanding!