Hello, Adventurers!
This is The MMORPG, Black Desert.
From the CBT in October 2017 to the Official Launch in December until now, many Adventurers have stuck with us.
Black Desert currently brings you many new contents through weekly updates.
You might be curious about what’s coming up for the game throughout the rest of the year.
So, we’re sharing our 2018 update plans with all of you!
▶ Go to 2018 Black Desert Roadmap
We hope you’re excited for the wide variety of exciting new updates to come.
To celebrate, we’re giving away new Guest Pass Coupons!
Even if you’ve already used a Guest Pass Coupon before, you’ll be able to use the new one so if you felt like you couldn’t make up your mind with the previous 7 day trial, you can experience the latest contents again!
For detailed information, please read below.
■ New Guest Pass Coupon Code:
■ Guest Pass Usage Reset Time: 2018/03/16 11:30 AM
※ If you register the new coupon code, you will be able to use it in the same way for 7 days like the original Guest Pass coupon code.
※ New Adventurers can use the new Guest Pass even if they did not use the original.
※ If you have a previous Guest Pass coupon usage record, it will be reset so that you can use the new code.
※ You will be able to use the “Unused” coupons from previously purchased packages even if it’s not a newly issued one.
※ You will not be able to re-use previously used coupon codes.
※ If you are currently playing using an existing Guest Pass coupon, you can register the new coupon code in order to renew your game access.
Black Desert will continue to bring you new updates and strive to provide stable game service.
Thank you for your support!