Black Desert will begin in a moment.

Install the Black Desert Launcher if the game doesn't start.

Install the Black Desert Launcher to start the game.

The launcher will appear if it's installed.
If it doesn't, try to run your downloaded launcher.

Install Guide

1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_TR.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.


Events Nov 29, 2021, 13:05 (UTC+3) [4-Year] How about a Node War? Join the GM Guild~♬


Hello, Adventurers! 


We’re recruiting Adventurers to join us in the [GG] guild and fight along side GMs in Node Wars!

▶ Guild Intro ◀ 

Node War Guild

New/Returning/Experienced Adventurers are all welcome

Full Guild Skills

Enjoy the game and communicate with each other

Node Wars scheduled for Dec 5 & Dec 12

Garmoth Raid after Node Wars are over on Dec 5 & Dec 12

Active Discord Channel (Not required)

No AP & DP restrictions 

Be respectful to your fellow Adventurers


▶ Welcome  

Adventurers wanting to participate in an event with GMs!

Adventurers who are knowledgable and interested in Node Wars!

Adventurers who know how to have fun!

GM Guild Member/Streamer Shotcaller Sign-up Period 

November 29, 2021 (Mon) - December 2, 2021 (Thu) 23:59 December 8, 2021 (Wed) 23:59


GM Guild Node War Schedule



1st - December 5, 2021 (Sun) 

Tier 1 Node 

2nd - December 12, 2021 (Sun) 

Tier 1 Node 

GM Node War Requirement and Notices

There are no AP & DP requirements to join the GM guild for Node Wars. 

- The following number of Adventurers will be joining the GM guild.

GM : 2  

Node War Streamer Shotcaller: Max 1 

Adventurers: Max 22 

- Adventurers who wish to participate as a Shotcaller can join the GM guild as a War Hero. During the Node War, the Streamer Shotcaller must join the event-specific Discord channel and lead the GM Guild members through voice chat.  

- Other non-shotcaller Adventurers must join the GM guild to participate in the event. You cannot join the GM guild if you’re already in another guild. (You will also not be able participate in the event if you’re on a 24-hour cooldown after leaving a guild.) 

- Node War may be postponed or cancelled if there are less than 10 Adventurers participating in this event.  

- Adventurers’ voice, family name, character name may be shown on air during the Node War streaming.  

- You may be removed from the list of applicants if you do not correctly enter your preferred dates in the application survey.

GM Guild Sign-up Form 


* Adventurers selected for the event must accept the GM’s guild invitiation during the periods below.  


Invitation Schedule 

Adventurers for 1st Node War 

December 3, 2021 (Fri) - December 4, 2021(Sat) 

Adventurers for 2nd Node War 

December 10, 2021 (Fri) - December 11, 2021 (Sat) 

Participation Rewards 

Who is Eligible 


All Guilds Participating in Node Wars  

2,000,000,000 Guild Funds 

All Guild Members Participating in Node Wars 

Essence of Glory x5 

Essence of Gallantry x5 

Marni's Unstable Fuel x10 

Guild that destorys the GM’s fort 

1,000,000,000 Guild Funds 

Guild Members in the GM’s Guild 

CTG to World Boss 


A coupon the Streamer can share for the GM Node War event that can be used by all Adventurers 

* The Streamer Shotcaller is also eligble for the rewards above. 

Additional Notices 

- Immediate measures will be taken to prevent any interference with the event. Pearl Abyss will not compensate nor recover any losses incurred from these kind of actions.  

- You may experience problems if the server is overcrowded with Adventurers at one location during the event. Please transfer to another server if you are not participating in the event.  

- During the event, there may be minor changes to the schedule and content depending on the situation. In such a case, please follow the GM’s instructions.  

- Number of selected participants is subject to change depending on how many applicants we have.  

- Any damages or losses that occurs within the intended mechanics of the game will not be compensated.  

- Pearl Abyss reserves the right to change or cancel the event depending on circumstances. If changes are made, they can be found on this event page.    

- There may be restrictions on trading/selling event items, and they may have usage expiration dates and different binding settings. These items cannot be transferred or restored due to this reason.    

- Please refer to the in-game item description for details on whether the item is bound. Items that were sent or used as intended cannot be recovered or restored.        

- Participating in the event using inappropriate methods will result in a cancellation/retrieval of your reward and restriction from the game.    

- If you have any questions about this event, please send a ticket through [Support].  

- Content not listed on this page follows the [Black Desert Event Rules].