Black Desert will begin in a moment.

Install the Black Desert Launcher if the game doesn't start.

Install the Black Desert Launcher to start the game.

The launcher will appear if it's installed.
If it doesn't, try to run your downloaded launcher.

Install Guide

1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_TR.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.


GM Notes Feb 22, 2018, 06:35 (UTC+3) New Field Bosses and Boss Armor

Hello Adventurers!


You may have met boss monsters while on your adventure out in the Black Desert world. Those monsters are now back as new Field Bosses!

When you defeat Field Bosses you can get Boss Armor, which is the best armor in the game.

Today we’ll find out which monsters appear as Field Bosses, where and when to look for them, and more about the Boss Armor.



◆ What are Field Bosses?

When on a Black Spirit quest, you may remember summoning boss monsters that you had to defeat (e.g.  Red Nose, Giath, Bheg, and etc.).

Some of these monsters are now back in the game as Field Bosses.

Don’t underestimate them! They are not the same monsters you defeated during the quests.

Field Bosses are extremely powerful and you risk losing EXP or having your magic crystals destroyed by getting killed if you’re not careful.


Here are the new, stronger Field Bosses.


▲Red Nose


▲Dastard Bheg


▲Giant Mudster


Dim Tree Spirit


◆ What are the Boss Armor?

The new Boss Armor are the best armor introduced to the game so far.

You can get them from the new updated Field Bosses - Red Nose, Dastard Bheg, Dim Tree Spirit.

This update will include armor and glove items. There are a total of 3 drop items you can acquire - Red Nose’s Armor, Dim Tree Spirit’s Armor, Bheg’s Gloves.

▲ They’re the best armor introduced to the game so far.

▲ The Boss Armor unleashes its true power once it has been enhanced to higher levels.



Items Dropped

Red Nose

Red Nose’s Armor, Liverto Weapon Bundle

Awakening Weapon Box (Blue Grade)

Dastard Bheg

Bheg’s Glove,  Liverto Weapon Bundle

Awakening Weapon Box (Blue Grade)

Giant Mudster

Mark of Shadow,  Liverto Weapon Bundle

Awakening Weapon Box (Blue Grade)

Dim Tree Spirit

Dim Tree Spirit’s Armor, Tree Spirit Belt

Liverto Weapon Bundle,

Awakening Weapon Box (Blue Grade)

▲ Field Bosses item drop list



◆ Where do the Field Bosses appear?

We have learned what the Field Bosses are and about the equipment they drop.

Now, we’ll find out where and when they appear.


Field bosses appear once a day on average but only in a few randomly selected servers.

A system message will alert you if a Field Boss appears in the server you are on.


▲ ① Red Nose (North of the Western Guard Camp) / ② Dim Tree Spirit (Forest of Seclusion)


▲ ③ Dastard Bheg (Northern Plain of Serendia)


▲ ④ Giant Mudster (Fogan Marsh, east of Glish Ruins)



The new Field Bosses seem scary, but they drop the best armor in the game!

Will you be brave enough to face the Field Bosses for your chance to get the Boss Armor?

Good luck on your hunt, Adventurers!

Thank you.