Greetings Adventurers,
As announced in the patch notes for the August 11, 2021 (Wed) update, the Head Storage Maid/Butlers have been removed as they are no longer available for purchase. Adventurers who purchased these products have been refunded the Pearls and Coupons to their in-game mailboxes (B).
Please note that the mail containing the refunded coupons has an expiration date of September 8, 2021 (Wed) 23:59, while the mail containing the refunded Pearls is permanent.
Additionally, the Group Command feature of the Head Storage Maid/Bulter has been permanently added to the standard maid/butler during the maintenance on August 4, 2021 (Wed).
Thank you for your patience and understanding. Happy adventuring!
Greetings, Adventurers.
We will be adding the core features of the Head Storage Butler/Maid to the default Butler/Maid. Thus, the Head Storage Butler/Maid products have been removed from the Pearl Shop (F3) and will no longer be available for purchase as of August 2 (Mon) at 07:43. Adventurers who have purchased a Head Storage Butler/Maid will have the product removed and refunded at a later date.
More details such as the refund date will be provided in a future announcement on the website.
Discontinued Products
- [Head Storage Maid] Cecilia
- [Head Storage Butler] Sebastian
Pearl Refund Schedule
- Details will be provided in a future announcement on the website.
We ask that you take note of the information above to avoid any inconveniences to your gameplay. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
[Notice] Upcoming Increase for Pearl Item Central Market Prices and Extraction Quantity for Outfits Last Edited: 2021/08/05 08:36 (GMT +3) Aug 4, 2021 (UTC+3)
[Notice] August 04, 2021 (Wed) Service Maintenance Aug 3, 2021 (UTC+3)
[Notice] Advance Notice of Conquest War Information Reset Jul 30, 2021 (UTC+3)
[Notice] [Completed] July 28, 2021 (Wed) Service Maintenance Last Edited: 2021/7/27 12:35 (GMT +3) Jul 27, 2021 (UTC+3)