Greetings Adventurers,
After the maintenance on March 24th, we discovered an issue where restarting the game or going to the server selection screen after changing servers causes the server change cooldown to not be displayed. Additionally, selecting a server other than the server you were previously connected to in this state causes the game to suddenly shut down.
If you experience this issue, we ask that you try connecting to your previously accessed server until the server cooldown is finished.
We apologize for the inconvenience, and we will do our best to resolve this issue as soon as possible.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
[Notice] [Completed] March 31, 2021 (Wed) Service Maintenance Mar 30, 2021 (UTC+3)
[Notice] Official Discord Mar 26, 2021 (UTC+3)
[Notice] Issues Running Black Desert With Certain Anti-Virus Programs Mar 25, 2021 (UTC+3)
[Notice] End of Winter Season Information Last Edited: 2021/3/29 06:00 (GMT +3) Mar 24, 2021 (UTC+3)