Black Desert will begin in a moment.

Install the Black Desert Launcher if the game doesn't start.

Install the Black Desert Launcher to start the game.

The launcher will appear if it's installed.
If it doesn't, try to run your downloaded launcher.

Install Guide

1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_TR.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.


GM Notes Dec 31, 2020, 12:00 (UTC+3) Queen of Thorns Stained in Blood, Nova Succession & Awakening

"Warriors who bear the thorns, you are the living embodiment of Quturan. 

As long as you remain living, Orzeca is eternal." 


Is there any other word that presses down on your heart like “eternity?” 


Father, I have rediscovered the story about the kingdom long gone, 

the story you never got to tell me. 

It was in the Promised Land, abandoned by the God of Light.  

The story of High Priestess Echidna that led the abandoned children to the root of Quturan. 


"The thorn is the gift bestowed by the goddess with eternity as its condition." 



Echidna’s children slaughtered their enemies with the weapons that manifested from the thorns of Quturan that wrapped around them. 

After reading the record stating that the blood they spilt became nourishment for Quturan  

and ushered in the glorious golden age for the ancient kingdom, 

I went down to the dead root of Quturan, following Echidna’s steps. 


"Only the good children that overcome the trial can become the queen of thorns. " 


As I went farther down, the smell of blood and... something burning pierced my nose. 

But was I mistaken? With the smell came Echidna’s whispers in my ear. 

I suddenly found myself opening my eyes, with my body soaked in cold sweat. 

I could not remember how I escaped that place.  

But father, I suddenly remembered the night of the last star we saw together in Calpheon.  


"Forgive me for my sins" 

You said, as you handed me the golden key, decorated with eagle wings. 


"Forgive me for forcing you into this eternal struggle." 

This was the first and last time I saw tears in your eyes. 

I couldn’t understand, but you felt so distant. 

So, I buried the key deep into my heart. 


"Do not forget who you areYou are my one and only Francesca Seric." 


" Axian, the King of the Dead" 

The last king of the ancient kingdom bears the bloodstained crown, even after death. 

He waits for the Queen of Thorns to deliver his salvation. 


Father, I reread the history of the ancient kingdom every time I had a nightmare, which started from the day I followed Echidna’s steps down to the root of Quturan.  

I gathered the abandoned followers to form an army and waited for the fateful day. 
 The day I would reclaim the throne as I planted the young branch of Quturan. 



Delore La Sylvia 

The cold star shall arise once more over my kingdom of Calpheon. 


However, my nightmare became a reality before the promised day came. 

The girl I saw at the root of Quturan, whom I did not even believe to be real, found me. 


With the power of the distorted goddess in life and death, 

I seek to reclaim what is mine. 


Is she the goddess’ trial that Echidna mentioned? 

No... Is she the fruit born by the sins you confessed father? 


My name is Francesca Sericthe rightful heir to the kingdom of Calpheon 


She has my face, my voice, my memories, my emotions... 

She wields the Morning Star and emanates the chill of the distorted goddess. 


Father, pray to the goddess that I may reign victorious. 

For I cannot back away from this duel. 

Only the one and true heir to the throne will survive and possess the holy tree’s thorn. 


Nova gained a new form of power by making a pact with Axian, the King of the Dead, through the Thorn of Quturan. 


Summoned by sacrificing Nova’s vitality and her Thornwood Guards, Axian is a gigantic and ghastly undead creature with wings and horns that brings death to the land of the living. 
Axian can simultaneously attack from the sky above and recover Nova’s HP and SP as it taints the Morning Star black. 


Nova can swiftly move across the battlefield more than ever as her new guards bring destruction to anyone who defies her. 


Nova is capable of exerting vast control over a large battlefield as she dominates the fight through her command of Axian. 


Succession Skills 


Nova in Succession continues to make most of her Morning Star and Quoratum to deliver heavy blows to her foes in a balanced combat style. 


Her growth in strength can be especially seen in enhanced movement skills along with more diverse combos available between skills. 


However, the most notable development in Nova’s Succession can be seen in the summoning of her new guard "Axian”. 


Axian can be summoned by sacrificing Nova’s Thornwood Guards and portions her own HP. When commanded, Axian will accompany Nova in a joint attack just as the Thornwood Guards did. 


Axian will recover Nova’s HP & SP whenever she uses a skill and it will also dive into a state of frenzy if it feels that Nova is in danger. 


- Prime: King of the Dead 

Summon Axian, the King of the Dead, by sacrificing Nova’s HP and her Thornwood Guards.  

Axian brings the chill of death into battle at the price of Nova’s HP.


 PrimeEntangling Icy Thorns 

Create a circle of icy thorns to entangle Nova’s foes. 

Axian emerges from the center to attack the tied down enemies.


  Prime: Fianchetto 

Rip out the thrown morning star from the ground. Axian attacks the enemies that were thrown into the air.


- Prime: Icy Prison 

Nova commands Axian to destory.  

Axian summons the chill from the world of the undead to freeze her enemies. 




Nova acquires Sting from the duel. This weapon was manifested by the thorn of Quturan and empowered by the distorted goddess. She wields it freely and slaughters her enemies with it. 

Sting’s wielder can switch its form between a sharp sword and formidable scythe. 

Sting in the sword form is a rapier-like weapon with quick piercing attacks, while her attacks in the scythe form are ring-shaped strikes making it difficult for enemies to predict her movement. 


The Awakened Nova also acquires a special resource called "Star's Breath" when she successfully hits her enemies during combat. Once she has amassed the full extent of these resources, Nova's skills are enhanced allowing her to unleash faster and more powerful forms of her skills. 


Becareful to not get mezmerized by the grand Queen of Thorns. 


Awakening Skills 


Awakened Nova switches gears with Sting, the thorn of Quturan that wraps around her arm and forms her weapon. 

Sting’s standard form is like a rapier, so many of her awakening skills revolve around Royal Fencing. 

Additionally, Sting can transform into a formidable scythe and it enables her to hit a large area. 

Awakened Nova’s major trait is "En Garde” and the incredible boost of speed it gives her. 

She gains “Star’s Breath” with every skill she uses, and this resource is used to go “En Garde” and give her explosive speed. 

When she enters “En Garde,” all her awakening skills are enhanced. 

More importantly, she becomes extremely quick and pours out flashy attacks.

Royal Fencing: Remise 

Attack the enemy’s weakness with quick and accurate strikes of Sting. 



Point Sting forward and dash in the direction to strike the enemy. 



Create countless blades of light then shoot them forward to deal astronomical damage.


Star's Ring 

Summons a star by swinging the scythe around 3 times then throwing it.  

Enemies near the star will not be able to move due to its gravity.

Nova Awakening & Succession Combat Video




Nova's Succession & Awakening update will be released on January 6, 2021!