Black Desert will begin in a moment.

Install the Black Desert Launcher if the game doesn't start.

Install the Black Desert Launcher to start the game.

The launcher will appear if it's installed.
If it doesn't, try to run your downloaded launcher.

Install Guide

1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_TR.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.


Notices Sep 2, 2020, 07:00 (UTC+3) Changes for Summer Season Item Conversion



Greetings Adventurers, 


First off, we want to thank all our Adventurers who enjoyed Summer Season servers and for showing us amazing love & passion for the upcoming Autumn season.  


We understand that some Adventurers were not able to convert their Tuvala gear or graduate before the start of the Autumn season. Thus, we made some changes to the “End of the Season Server” during the September 2nd maintenance, the start day of the Autunm season.  

Please refer below for more details.  


■ Gift Box Full of Memories 

We made changes to allow Adventurers who have not completed the graduation quest “[Season Server Graduation] Into the Big Wide World” before the September 2 (Wed) maintenance (the start day of the Autumn Season) to be able to receive the summer season graduation gift “Gift Box Full of Memories”.  


Adventurers who have not completed the [Season Server Graduation] Into the Big Wide World quest will be able to get their season graduation reward from their in-game mail (B)!  


■ Tuvala Gear Automatic Conversion 

 Originally, all Tuvala gear that was not converted with a “Tuvala Conversion Stone” was going to be deleted after the maintenance on September 2nd (Wed) (start day of the Autumn Season). However, we have good news for Adventurers who couldn’t convert their gear.   

One unconverted Tuvala Gear for each equipment slot (2 for earrings and rings) was automatically converted to Tuvala gear that can equipped by a normal character based on the “Automatic Conversion Priority for Tuvala Gear.” Nevertheless, unconverted Tuvala gear for equipment slots that already used a Tuvala Conversion Stone were deleted as previously announced. (e.g. If you already converted a “PEN (V): Tuvala Glove” with a Tuvala Conversion Stone, the remaining Tuvala Gloves will be deleted as previously announced.) 

■ Automatic Conversion of Tuvala Gear 

Automatic Conversion Priority for Tuvala Gear 

① Tuvala gear with the highest enhancement level per equipment slot (1 per equipment slot except 2 for earrings and rings for a total of 13)  

- e.g. If you had a “PEN (V): Tuvala Glove” and “TRI (III): Tuvala Glove” in your inventory or storage, then only the “PEN (V): Tuvala Glove” was automatically converted.  

If you have 2 or more of the same enhancement level gear, then it would have gone to the next priority.  


② Tuvala gear that had an Item Brand Spell Stone used on it  

- e.g. If you had a branded “PEN (V): Tuvala Glove” and unbranded “PEN (V): Tuvala Glove”, then the branded “PEN (V): Tuvala Glove” was automatically converted.  

If you had 2 or more of the same enhancement level gear and both are branded/unbranded, then it would have gone to the next priority.


③ Most recently created Tuvala gear 
- e.g. If you had a “PEN (V): Tuvala Longsword” that was created on August 1st and a “PEN (V): Tuvala Amulet” that was created on August 10th, then the “PEN (V): Tuvala Amulet” that was created on August 10th was automatically converted.  

* Excluding the Tuvala gear that was converted following the priority above, all remaining Tuvala gear was deleted after the September 2nd (Wed) maintenance.  

You can find the automatically converted Tuvala gear in your summer season character’s inventory. Please note that the remaining Tuvala gear and all other season related items (Time-filled Black Stone, etc.) have been deleted as previously announced in the Summer Season Schedule announcement.  

※ Notices 
- If you want to use one of the deleted gear instead of the converted gear, please contact us via Support with equipping the gear before September 16th maintenance.   

- Please provide the name of the converted name and name of the gear you want recovered when submitting a ticket for faster assistance.  

- Please note that we can only provide exchange assistance once per equipment slot for converted gear.