Black Desert will begin in a moment.

Install the Black Desert Launcher if the game doesn't start.

Install the Black Desert Launcher to start the game.

The launcher will appear if it's installed.
If it doesn't, try to run your downloaded launcher.

Install Guide

1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_TR.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.


Events Mar 9, 2020, 04:40 (UTC+3) Recruiting Black Desert Content Creators!

 Check out the newly revamped program below!


▶ Black Desert Content Creator?

- An Adventurer who shares Black Desert with others and helps others by doing activities like creating Black Desert focused video content or livestreams news about the latest patch notes/events.  


Recruitment and Activity Schedule



Recruitment Period

Date of this notice ~ TBA

Number Recruited

No set limit

Activity Period

After selection announcement ~ TBA


- Played Black Desert for at least 1 year

- Experience with broadcasting/streaming Black Desert related content

- Confidence in creating broadcast/stream or video content 


Activity Benefits



Benefit 1

Exclusive Creator Title

  - Title [BD Content Creator]

Benefit 2

Monthly Items

  - [Event] Value Pack (30 Days) x1

  - Blessing of Kamasylve (15 Days) x2

  - Secret Book of Old Moon (15 Days) x2

Benefit 3

Posting Privilege

  - Have your shared livestreams or created videos be posted on the official Black Desert website, SNS, and etc.   

Benefit 4

Additional Gifts per Month

  - Creators who maintain a consistent partnership will be eligible to receive small additional gifts. 

However, the details will only be provided to Creators who meet the requirements. (Creators will be separately contacted.) 

* If activities are insufficient or do not meet the requirements, the monthly benefits will be discontinued. Re-fulfilling the requirements will resume the monthly benefits.  

* If inappropriate activity or activity that violates the Operational Policy is discovered, any Creator benefits can be withdrawn. 

* We may provide additional Creator benefits beyond what is listed above. Details regarding this will be separately provided to Creators that meet the requirements. 


Support and Activity Requirements

- All the following requirements for each category/activity must be met by a Black Desert Creator. 




Support and Activity Requirements


1. At least 1 weekly Black Desert related stream every month

2. At least 4 Black Desert related streams every month 

3. Each broadcast must be at least 1 hour, and the total combined time must be at least 4 hours

* Inappropriate content/topic videos will not be acknowledged. 

Creating Clips/Videos

1. At least 1 weekly Black Desert related video upload every month

2. At least 4 Black Desert related video upload every month 

3. Each video must match an appropriate topic and be edited in a finished form 

* Just videos of a stream or off-topic videos will not be acknowledged. 

* Inappropriate content/topic videos will not be acknowledged. 



How to Apply

① Login to the official Black Desert website, and select the [Submit a Ticket] > [Event] category.

② Write and submit a ticket in the following format. 

[Application Format]

- Title: Black Desert Creator Application

- Family Name: 

- Channel URL: Example)

- Type of video you specialize in: Example) Patch Note review

- Possible broadcast/video upload schedule: Example)  Wednesday of each week at 13:00 (on average)

- Link to your video sample:

- PC Specifications (CPU, RAM, GPU) :

* Your activity details may not be acknowledged if the names in your broadcast are different from the Family/Character names of the account you are logged into when submitting the application.  

* If the information you provide in your application does not match your actual information or you provide incorrect information, you may be excluded from being selected and receiving rewards. Please make sure to accurately enter your information. 

※ Event Notices

- Selected Creators will be announced on the official website and contacted by email after the selections are completed.  

- This event’s benefits cannot be combined with Black Desert Supporter event benefits. If a Family that is a Black Desert Supporter applies and is selected as a Creator, they will no longer be eligible to receive the Black Desert Supporter event rewards and no longer be eligible to be selected as Top Supporters. 

- Pearl Abyss reserves the right to change or cancel the event depending on circumstances. If changes are made, they can be found on this event page.

- Participating in the event using inappropriate methods will result in a cancellation/retrieval of your reward and restriction from the game.

- If the nickname or family/character name used in the broadcast/video contains in-appropriate language, you may not be eligible for being selected.  

- If any of the acts in the following categories are identified in your broadcast or video, you may not be eligible for being selected; if you are already selected, you may be disqualified and have your rewards withdrawn.

  > If you violates the Black Desert Operational Policy, Terms of Service, etc. or your account is restricted

  > If inappropriate language is identified 

  > If you cause harm to other users while recording a video 

  > If you are overtly biased against particular individuals/guild 

  > If you causes sexual humiliation, disgust, and/or discomfort to other people in and out of the game

  > If it includes content not permitted by the Company’s Terms and Policies, such as the sale of accounts, game items, and game assets.  

  > If you include content that is objectively acknowledged as being connected to a crime.

  > If it includes advertising content that is intended for profit 

  > If it disrupts/interferes with normal operation of the Company’s services

  > If it includes content that goes against general social norms such as political/religious/salacious/violent content 

  > If it cause confusion or direct/indirect harm to the Company or others by disseminating unconfirmed information about Black Desert

  > If you broadcast content that does not match the objectives of the video

  > If deemed as violating other relevant laws/regulations

  > If you broadcast content that goes against general social norms such as inappropriate acts or unacceptable content  

- If you have any questions about this event, please send a ticket through [Support > Submit a Ticket].

- Any matters not listed on this page follows the [Black Desert Terms of Service, Operational Policy, and Event Rules].