Black Desert will begin in a moment.

Install the Black Desert Launcher if the game doesn't start.

Install the Black Desert Launcher to start the game.

The launcher will appear if it's installed.
If it doesn't, try to run your downloaded launcher.

Install Guide

1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_TR.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.


GM Notes Dec 12, 2018, 00:00 (UTC+3) [GM Note] Transfer the ‘Fighting Spirit’ of the Luthraghon!

The new class Archer has finally arrived thanks to the love and support of our adventurers.

Archer is a very unique class as he can use both his main and awakening weapons from the beginning. So, we have prepared a unique event that was never done before to celebrate his release!


You will be able to transfer the EXP earned by Archer to another character!

Let’s find out more about this very special event, “Fighting Spirit of the Luthraghon”.


1. Click ‘Tag Character’ in the top left corner of the in-game screen.

◆ Wait a minute? What is ‘Tag Character’?

If there is one or more character at Lv. 56 or above in the family, you can easily switch between 2 selected characters by setting a main character tagging.

However, you can tag characters if you have a character at Lv. 7 to celebrate Archer’s release.



2. Select the character that will receive the Fighting Spirit in the Character Tag window.

• Fighting Spirit transfer can only be set and removed with characters that are in the same town/city as Archer.

(This excludes certain places such as Kusha, Abun, and others.)

• You must transfer Fighting Spirit to a character in the Tag Character window for the Combat and Skill EXP earned by Archer to be accumulated on another character.

• The level of the selected character to receive the Fighting Spirit is irrelevant. You can transfer Fighting Spirit to characters that are higher level than Archer.


3. Click the ‘Tag’ button in the middle to transfer the Fighting Spirit!


4. You can collect EXP by clicking the ‘Collect EXP’ button in Character’s Tag Setting window.

• The accumulated Combat and Skill EXP can only be received by the character that the Fighting Spirit was transferred to. The accumulated Combat and Skill EXP can be collected by the character with the Fighting Spirit in the Tag Character window by clicking the button ‘Collect EXP’.

• Combat and Skill EXP earned by Archer only through defeating monsters will be accumulated for this event. Combat and Skill EXP earned through quests, Marni’s Stones, Black Spirit's Training, life skills, and other will not be accumulated for this event.

• Archer cannot use Black Spirit Training if the Fighting Spirit was transferred. However, you are still able to use the item “Book of Training”.

• Characters with the Fighting Spirit may only obtain Combat EXP up to Lv. 59, 99.99%. Any Combat EXP exceeding that amount will vanish and cannot be recovered. If the character with the Fighting Spirit is at Lv. 60 or above can only obtain Skill EXP.

• Benefits from Value Pack, EXP hot time, and other EXP buffs will affect the the Combat and Skill EXP accumulation. However, these buffs do not affect the amount of Combat EXP collected from the accumulated Combat and Skill EXP.


What do you think about this unique event “Fighting Spirit of the Luthraghon”?

You still got questions about this event?

Then check out the Q&A below to see if you can find the answers!


Q1. I’ve already transferred the Fighting Spirit to Character A, but now I want to transfer it to Character B. Is this possible?

- A1. You may change characters after untagging the characters. However, you must collect all the EXP that was accumulated in order to change characters.

Q2. I’ve accumulated enough EXP to go over Lv. 50, but my tagged character didn’t complete the quest required to reach Lv. 50. Will I be losing EXP that goes over Lv. 49 if I collect?

- A2. You may level up to and beyond Lv. 50 even if you haven’t completed the quest to reach Lv. 50 by collecting EXP through the Fighting Spirit. As many times as you like! However, the character will not be able to level up to Lv. 50 and above by earning EXP using any other method if they did not complete the quest to reach Lv. 50.

e.g.) Character A level up above Lv. 50 just by collecting the accumulated EXP through the Fighting Spirit without completing the Lv. 50 Quest. Character A will continue to earn EXP up to 99.99% at that level, but won’t be able to level up until the quest is completed.

* Quests to reach Lv.50

- For Adventurers who are ongoing previous main quests: [To Level 50!] Giant Catfishman Qoobe

- For Adventurers who have not started pervious main quests or New Adventurers: [To Level 50!] Breaking New Ground

* Please reconsider transferring EXP if you do not wish your character to reach Lv.50.

Q3. I’ve accumulated a lot of EXP with Archer through defeating monsters, but I died a lot and lost a lot of EXP as well. Will the accumulated EXP suffer the same penalties?

- A3. No. The EXP lost by Archer when he dies does not affect the accumulated EXP.

 Q4. What happens to the accumulated EXP once the event is over?

- A4. The accumulated EXP from this event can be collected after the event ends. However, additional EXP will no longer accumulate after the event ends. So, take note of the event period.


We hope our adventurers will enjoy their journey during the event.

If you have any questions about this event, please feel free to send us an inquiry through our Customer Support at any time.


We will continue to work hard to provide a great gaming experience for all of our Adventurers.


Thank you.