Black Desert will begin in a moment.

Install the Black Desert Launcher if the game doesn't start.

Install the Black Desert Launcher to start the game.

The launcher will appear if it's installed.
If it doesn't, try to run your downloaded launcher.

Install Guide

1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_TR.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.


Updates Sep 19, 2018, 07:00 (UTC+3) 09/19 Update Details

Hello, adventurers.

This is The MMORPG, Black Desert.

Check out the latest updates for September 19th 2018.

New contents and guild related system have been added after today’s update.

you can now upgrade Black Magic Crystals to JIN, BON and WON by simple alchemy with newly introduced item, Forest Fury. New Platoon system and Guild Alliance system have been added. Make your own Trina Matchlock and Trina Demolition Axe and participate node war to conquer!

Lastly, another character customization option, voice customization, has been added after today’s update. Please refer to below patch note for more details!


(Patch volume approx.  549.52 MB) =====================================================================

Imperial Beer Festival

- Period : Sep 19th, 2018 (after maintenance) ~ Oct 3rd, 2018 (before maintenance)

- Become a brewer and make great beer to deliver them to imperial for profit!

[ Click here for more details ]



● New Pearl Items are now introduced in the Pearl Shop. Click the link below for more details!

● End date of Pearl Shop Set Creator has extended until October 3rd.

[▶Go to Pearl Shop Update]


● As announced in previous week, Rules of Node War has changed. Please check the link below for more details.

[ Click here for more details ]


● Guild Alliance has been added.

    • An Alliance can have a maximum of 10 Guilds or 100 members. A minimum of 10 members and maximum of 90 members are required of Guilds seeking to join an Alliance. And this Guild Alliance can participate in Node/Conquest Wars.

    • Guilds who are already occupying a Node or Territory cannot join the Guild Alliance, and Guilds cannot join Guild Alliance while a Node/Conquest War is already under progress.

    • The founding Guild of the Guild Alliance becomes the ‘Supreme Guild’ and the Guild Master of the Supreme Guild can create the Guild Alliance using the Guild tab (G). The founding Guild Master of the Supreme Guild has to create a name for the Guild Alliance. Afterwards, the founding Guild Master can click on the ‘Add Guild’ icon to register Guild Names, Capacity (number of participants per Guild), and Distribution (ratio of tax distribution in the Guild Alliance. Then clicking on ‘Alliance Invitation’ will send invitations to the relevant Guild Masters of the registered Guilds logged on to the same server.

    • Supreme Guild can register Guild Alliance Emblem after purchasing [Guild] Emblem Certificate every Monday. The Guild Alliance Emblem and Name will only be exposed during Node/Conquest War, and upon occupation of the Node or Territory, the Guild Alliance Emblem and Name will be placed and displayed.

    • Invitations can be sent to the Guild Masters logged on to the same server to join the Guild Alliance. When sending the invitation, the tax distribution ratio must total at 100% in order for the Guild Alliance to be formed.

    • Supreme Guild, upon sending invitations, has to place quota on each Guild to fill in the required number of Guild Members joining the Guild Alliance. Supreme Guild cannot request quota on the number of Guild Members lower than the current number of the Guild. This means if the Guild that is invited has 30 members currently, you can request that Guild to provide 30 or more members to join the Guild Alliance. In addition, Guilds that accept the invite to join the Guild Alliance, while under the Guild Alliance affiliation, cannot accept new registrations to their Guild above the quota they have been given to fill.

      Please take a look at the example below for clarification:

      • If Guild A at 45/100 members has been invited and given the quota of 50 members to provide to the Guild Alliance, Guild A can accept only 5 more new members to their Guild for a total size of 50 members while the Alliance affiliation is maintained.

      • If Guild B at 20/100 members has been invited and required to fill in 20 members of the Guild Alliance, Guild B can no longer add members to its Guild while the Alliance affiliation is maintained.

      • Therefore, even the Extra Large Guilds can form a Guild Alliance. Again, the Guilds quota on members to join Guild Alliance with a number lower than the members they currently have is not possible.

    • If the Guild Master disconnects or changes servers when having received the invitation to the Guild Alliance, the invitation will disappear. All invited guilds must accept the invitation for that Guild Alliance to be formed. In order to send another invitation, the Guild Master of the Supreme Guild can cancel the current one and resend the invitation.

    • The Guild Alliance will be disbanded if one of the Guilds leave. However, it is not possible to disband from an Alliance while a Node or Territory is being occupied.

    • Guild Members of Guilds under Guild Alliance cannot apply for Militia. Guilds with Guild Members applying for the Militia cannot join the Guild Alliance.

    • For Node/Conquest War, construction of Fort/Command Post/Field HQ is only allowed by Guild Master or Guild Officer of the Supreme Guild, and Annexes can be constructed by any member of rank Quartermaster or higher of each Guild. When a siege building is purchased, Guild Funds from each Guild will be used.

    • All members of the Guild Alliance can use the Annexes during Node/Conquest War, but Elephant Nursery can only be used by Guild Members of the Supreme Guild. Elephants that are already obtained can be used by all members of the Guild Alliance.

    • Any elephants or galleys from the Guilds (except those of the Supreme Guild) are automatically left in the dock during Node/Conquest Wars, and cannot be used until the Node/Conquest War ends.

    • If different Guild Alliances declare war on each other, they can attack each other if it’s not Node/Conquest War.


● You can check the status of allied guilds on Guild window and Guild Alliance window appears first if you open Guild information(G) while being affiliated to the alliance.

● You can view all of the allied guild members on Guild Alliance menu.

● Maximum number of letters for Guild Alliance is the same as Guild Name.

● A new chatting option, Alliance, has been added.

● Platoon system has been added.

    • Platoon is a temporary group for players with the same goal.

    • You can invite other players by clicking on their names from the chat.

    • Use the command /inviteunit [character name] to invite someone to your Platoon.

    • You cannot invite a player who is already in a party or in another Platoon.

    • A Platoon can have up to 20 players. HP of the Platoon members will be visible to everyone within the Platoon.

    • Location of all Platoon members will also be shared on the World Map and Minimap.

    • There is no EXP distribution or special EXP gained from Platoon. There is no option to change Looting Method.

    • Items looted from Platoon activities cannot be registered to the Special Deals from the Marketplace.

    • Party effects activated by skills can be used (HP Recovery, Buffs, etc.), but other effects (i.e. Party Elixirs) cannot be used.

    • Summon Scrolls cannot be used if you are in a Platoon. (Guild Summon Scrolls are okay.)

    • Platoon members can use the Party chat channel.

● A new voice option in character customization has been added. Now 8 different voices are available for male characters and 12 voices are available for female characters and you can adjust tone of each voice style. 

● [Combat] Trina Matchlock and [Combat] Trina Lead Bullet have been updated.

    • [Combat] Trina Matchlock is a weapon specialized for battles which cannot be used while in mounted combat.

    • [Combat] Trina Matchlock is used in Node / Conquest Wars and is effective for attacking or keeping your enemies back  from Wooden Fences, Wooden Fence Gate, Castle Gate, etc.

    • Matchlock is equipped in the main weapon slot and Lead Bullet is equipped in the sub-weapon slot. When both items are equipped, the matchlock must first load the bullets (same as reloading animation) in order to be able to fire the Matchlock. 2 shots can be fired per load.

    • [Combat] Trina Matchlock can be enhanced with Black Stone (Weapon) and Concentrated Magical Black Stone (Weapon) up to PEN: V rank.

● [Combat] Trina Demolition Axe has been updated.

    • [Combat] Trina Demolition Axe is a weapon specialized in tearing down structures which cannot be used while in mounted combat.

    • [Combat] Trina Demolition Axe is used in Node/Conquest Wars and highly efficient for inflicting damage against Wooden Fences, Wooden Fence Gate, Castle Gate, etc.

    • [Combat] Trina Demolition Axe can be enhanced with Black Stone (Weapon) and Concentrated Magical Black Stone (Weapon) up to PEN: V rank.

    • [Combat] Trina Demolition Axe can be crafted from the Processing: Manufacture feature when [Combat] Trina Demolition Axe Knowledge is obtained.

    • [Combat] Trina Demolition Axe Knowledge can be obtained in Trent from NPC “Dalian” when completing quest “Reinventing an Old Weapon”. This quest is available for players level 50 or above.

● A new Processing feature “Manufacture” has been updated.

    • Use the Manufacture processing feature to craft siege weapons. Currently, you can craft [Combat] Trina Matchlock, [Combat] Trina Lead Bullet, and [Combat] Trina Demolition Axe.

    • Manufacture is more elaborate Processing method which may take up approximately 14 seconds to craft 1 item.

    • Knowledge for [Combat] Trina Matchlock, [Combat] Trina Lead Bullet, and [Combat] Trina Demolition Axe can be obtained through quests.

● A new item called the “Fire Horn” has been added.

- Fire Horns are obtainable by butchering or gathering with Tanning Knife.

- Fire Horns are used to craft Trina Lead Bullet (new weapon)

● New quests have been added.

- State-of-the-Art Firearm

- The Deadliest Metal

- You can receive the quests from Dalian at Treant village with a character above level 50.

- You will gain the Knowledges on Trina Musket and Trina Lead Bullet upon completing the quests.

- You have to learn [Combat] Trina Matchlock and [Combat] Trina Lead Bullet in order to create the item. You can obtain the knowledge with a character Lv.50 or higher by completing quest ‘State-of-the-Art Firearm’ and serial quest ‘The Deadliest Metal’ from NPC Dalian at Trent.    

● A new item, Forest Fury, has been added.

● Defeat monsters in Old Mirumok Ruins or complete the following quests to obtain Forest Fury.

- Old Mirumok Ruins monsters

- [Training Quest] Valtarra - Ruins Sacrament

- [Special IV] Manshaum Mutant

● Forest Fury can be obtained by defeating monsters in certain Kamasylvia regions at a chance.

● A new item Forest Fury has been added as quest rewards for the following Quests

- Kamasylvia II - Main

- A Tentative Decision

- Great Legacy 

※ Adventurers who completed the quests before September 19th maintenance will receive Forest Fury, on October 3rd by in-game mail.

● New crystals have been added.

- Put in Magical Shard x10, Forest Fury, and a Black Magic Crystal in Simple Alchemy to obtain these new crystals.

- e.g. Black Magic Crystal - Harphia + Magical Shard x10 + Forest Fury = JIN/BON/WON Magic Crystal - Harphia


*How to obtain

> Process Yellow Black Magic Crystal by Heating to obtain Magical Shard.

  • Obtain Forest Fury in Kamasylven region.

  • Process Black Magical Crystal (Harphia, Cobelinus, Viper, Hystria, Carmae, Addis)X1 + Magical Shard X10 + Forest Fury X1 by Simple Alchemy to randomly obtain one of the above Crystals in the name category of the Crystal that was processed.

  • e.g.) Process Black Magical Crystal (Harphia) X1 + Magical Shard X10 + Forest Fury X1 by Simple Alchemy to randomly obtain one of JIN, BON, or WON of Harphia Crystal.

● The following monsters have a chance of yielding Forest Fury.

  • Manshaum Priest

  • Manshaum Warrior

  • Manshaum Great Warrior

  • Manshaum Hunter

  • Manshaum Fighter


● Fixed the issue where unattainable titles appeared in the Title window.

● You can see the number of people who can participate for a particular Node War in the World Map’s description for each Node.


●  You now need to be at least Lv. 35 to activate Black Spirit's Rage.

● Fixed the issue where the camera perspective was unnatural when opening the Knowledge window (H) while your character was facing towards you.

● Fixed the issue with sound not being applied when Witch, Wizard, Kunoichi, or Ninja crawled backwards or forwards.

● Changing direction when auto-pathing should now look more natural.

    • We have reworked the awkward turning and running movements characters made when making sharp turns while auto-pathing (T).

    • We have reworked the awkward turning and sprinting movements characters made when making sharp turns while auto-pathing and sprinting (T + Shift)

● Crawling on board ships like a Sail Boat or Galley will now be possible.


● Fixed the issue where pressing the Space key while crouching triggered standing up, and not the crawling position.

● CC status effect should now only be applied once when using the skill Rooting.

● Fixed the issue where the text "IMMUNE" appeared when grappling with the following skills.

    • Corpse Storm

    • Rock Smash

    • Undertaker



● Fixed the graphical issue with neck accessories when in combat mode while wearing [Sorceress] Orwen's Travel Wear.



● Fixed the issue where the inward side of a certain hairstyle customization looked empty.



● The effect range of the Black Spirit: Flash Slash skills should now match their hit range.



● The effect range of the Black Spirit: Beheading the Dead skills should now match their actual skill range.


● Fixed the issue where the direction of crawling was influenced by camera movement.



● Fixed the issue where the motion for crawling backwards looked awkward.

● Fixed the issue where the text "IMMUNE" appeared when you hit with the skill Spirit's Shackles.


【Wizard, Witch】

● Extra animation has been added so that sprinting will seem faster.

● Fixed the issue where the Witch would act attacked upon using the skill Spellbound Heart near a World Boss, changing weapon, and recovering MP.



● Fixed the graphical issue with the cape when using the skill Meteor Shower while wearing the Valoren outfit.

● Fixed the graphical issue with the neck.

● Fixed the issue where only the Witch class was missing skin texture in the Remastered mode.



● Fixed the graphical issue with the wrist when wearing [Wizard] Inquirer's Destiny Gloves.



● It has been changed so that the following weapons now appear symmetrical.

    • Liverto Blade

    • Kzarka Blade

【Dark Knight】

● Fixed the exceeding brightness of the ornamental effects of [Dark Knight] Crown Eagle Vediant in Remastered or Ultra mode.


● Fixed the graphical issue with the arms when wearing the Blazing Inferno armor.

● Fixed the graphical issue with shoes when wearing Kzarka Gauntlet.

● You will now move further forward when using the skill Rising Blast Combo.


● Fixed the graphical issue with the hair when wearing Canape costume with Graphics quality set to "Low."


● Fixed the issue where it was possible to collect Fleece Dining Table without collecting a prop that has been already equipped on it.

● Fixed the item description of [Event] Kuku.

- Before:

* Special: Finds resources

- Now:

* Special: Hostility detection

● One of the effects for yellow Alchemy Stone of Life, Item Drop Rate from Gathering, has changed to Gathering Item Drop.



● The DP of the boss monster Giath will now increase when it is sitting to concentrate.



● The message that appears when you repair a Sail Boat, Frigate, or Galley has been changed.

    • Before:

      Power of machine-type mounts cannot be restored.

      Also, Durability increased by equipment cannot be restored.

      Restoring the Durability of your mount will cost ___ Silver in total.

      Do you want to continue?

    • Now:

      Restoring the Durability of your mount will cost ___ Silver in total.

      Do you want to continue?


● The message that appears when you repair a Fishing Boat, Rowboat, or Raft has been changed.

    • Before:

      Power of machine-type mounts cannot be restored. Also, Durability increased by equipment cannot be restored. Restoring the Durability of your mount will cost ___ Silver in total. Do you want to continue?

    • Now:

      Lifespan of machine-type mounts cannot be restored. Restoring the durability of your mount will cost ___ Silver in total. Do you want to continue?


● The message that appears when you repair a Galley has been fixed.

● Fixed the issue where you could inflict high hunting damage with a matchlock from the backseat of an elephant.

● The amount of hit damage you inflict from the backseat of an elephant is now set, and will no longer reflect the character’s AP.

  • Damage dealth by the person on the backseat of the elephant has been increased by 350%.


【Quest, Knowledge】

● Fixed the text in Makhan Murad’s knowledge entry.

● The quest requirement for "Claus Can't Contain!" has been changed from level 9 to 15.


● The location for using the summon scroll for the main quest [Boss] Muskan of Madness should now point to inside the Bloody Monastery.


[NPC, Background]

●  Fixed the issue where characters moved abnormally in certain terrain at the Western Valtarra Mountains.

● Fixed the unnatural camera perspective when Interacting (R) with certain villagers in Abun, Mediah.

● Fixed the issue where the quest icon for a soldier NPC near Biraghi Den was appearing in the incorrect location.

● Fixed the issue where you could not escape from between the rocks at Mirumok Ruins.

The Cron Castle Ghost NPC for the quest series "Blooming Flowers at the Ruins" will now only appear when the quest series is in progress.

● Fixed the graphical issue at the borders of Kamasylvia.


● Fixed the exceedingly bright light effects at certain regions in Kamasylvia.

● The exceeding brightness of the chandeliers at the Great Library of Calpheon has been lowered.



● It has been changed so that the default outfit preview setting in the Pearl shop will now show capes.

    • You can press the "Cape Setting" button to hide capes.

● It has been changed so that the counterattack effect during combat appears more natural.

● Fixed the issue where you could not extract crystals transfused into an item in the Pearl inventory when the corresponding item slot in the regular inventory was locked.

● Fixed the issue where item descriptions in the Pearl shop was partially obstructed.

● Fixed the issue where the yellow highlighting effect to indicate which server you have selected would intermittently appear for two servers when you selected a server in the Server Selection window after connecting to the game

● In the lower left-hand side of the Guild Member Status window the text "Guild Funds" has been changed into an icon.

● Fixed the issue where the top of the first button could not be pressed when multiple choice buttons appeared in the bottom middle of the display when chatting with an NPC.

● Fixed the strong illumination effect when the Graphics setting was not set to Remastered or Ultra.

● Fixed the issue where unnecessary text appeared in the Character Selection window when no character has been created yet.

● The following types of notifications should now longer overlap.

    • Regular notifications

    • Marketplace registration notifications

    • Boss notifications


● Your Life Skill EXP stats in the My Information window (P) will now show up to two decimal points.

● You can now click a notification message and it will trigger the same effect as when you click the Notification icon.

● When you have a registered item, the Marketplace Registration Notification icon will now stay visible.

● When you set notifications to not appear, Marketplace notifications will now still appear in the bottom right of your display.

● Fixed the issue where the client shuts down when changing to Tray mode while End Game window is on.


● The "Saying of the Day" feature has been newly added to the Status of Alliance Members window.

● You can now take a screenshot in the Screen Saver mode without the Screen Saver turning off.

● You can now set whether or not you want notifications (added during the remastering of BDO) to appear in the bottom right-hand side of your display by going to:

    • Settings > General > Alerts >Alerts