Hello Adventurers,
We offer our sincerest gratitude to the players that were with us in the 29th Conquest War.
Please check out the detailed war report below. In the following table, you can see the winners of the territories.
Territory |
Winner Guild |
Participants |
Balenos |
VersusAttack | IronHand |
Serendia |
- | Porea |
Calpheon |
Mediah |
AIlStär | Pínch |
Valencia |
Disaster |
IronHand, VersusAttack, LORDS, AnchoR, OnePunch, and UluyanKurt were the participants for this week’s Conquest War in Balenos. AnchoR started the fighting by attacking UluyanKurt’s fort, but was quickly stopped. Then LORDS followed up and attacked UluyanKurt, but was repelled as well.
VersusAttack performed a powerful attack on IronHand, but they couldn’t get through. After a while, IronHand went for revenge and attacked VersusAttack.
During that time, OnePunch was attacking AnchoR, but failed to finish them. Then OnePunch moved on to UluyanKurt, but they were forced to retreat. AnchoR marched towards OnePunch while UluyanKurt headed out to LORDS. AnchoR eliminated OnePunch.
VersusAttack continued to attack UluyanKurt, but couldn’t take them down. Even though UluyanKurt successfully pushed VersusAttack back, they weren’t able to stop AnchoR and lost their fort.
VersusAttack then moved to IronHand with their guild elephants for an all-out attack. However, they weren’t able to defeat IronHand. VersusAttack returned and AnchoR joined them. After a short while, IronHand’s fort was destroyed by VersusAttack.
After taking IronHand down, VersusAttack went for LORDS’s fort and took it down swiftly.
In the end VersusAttack took AnchoR’s fort and is the ruler of Balenos this week.
KOTÑ and KOTN were the participants for this week’s Conquest War in Calpheon.
KOTÑ took KOTN’s command post down right before the war was about to end and is the ruler of Calpheon this week.
QQmore, AIlStär, and Pínch were the participants for this week’s Conquest War in Mediah. AIlStär started by attacking QQmore’s command post. QQmore was able to defend against AIlStär with the help of Pínch. AIlStär continued to lay siege to QQmore’s command post a number of time but was stopped each time. QQmore went out with Pínch to attack AIlStär, but they couldn’t even reach AIlStär’s command post. They faced AIlStär along the way and AIlStär forced them to retreat using guild elephants. At the same time, some members of AIlStär snuck up to Pínch and started to take their fences down. Then AIlStär moved towards QQmore and attacked them with guild elephants. QQmore managed to survive with the help of Pínch and went for a counter attack against AIlStär. AIlStär returned to their command post with their guild elephants and went out again to attack. AIlStär fell back and QQmore started to repair their command post.
During this time, AIlStär took this opportunity to attack Pínch’s command post and took it down. Afterwards, AIlStär simply clear out QQmore and is the ruler of Mediah this week.
DØØM and Disaster were the participants for this week’s Conquest War in Valencia. Disaster attacked DØØM’s castle right at the start and took all four gates down. Disaster reached the command post and tore it down to rule Valencia this week.
SPECTRUM and Porea were the participants for this week’s Conquest War in Serendia. At first, Porea started to attack SPECTRUM but got repelled. Porea kept up their attack for a while, but SPECTRUM was able to hold their ground. SPECTRUM then returned the favor by attacking Porea’s command post, but Porea managed to fight them off.
The fighting continued for a while, but neither one of the guilds were able to take Serendia this week.
Thank you for your support and participation!
See you on the next war report.
-Turkey & MENA Operation Team-