Black Desert will begin in a moment.

Install the Black Desert Launcher if the game doesn't start.

Install the Black Desert Launcher to start the game.

The launcher will appear if it's installed.
If it doesn't, try to run your downloaded launcher.

Install Guide

1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_TR.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.


GM Notes Jul 20, 2018, 00:00 (UTC+3) Secret Quest Challange Winner Interview

Hello, Adventurers!


This is The MMORPG, Black Desert.

Thank you so much for showing your support for the Secret Quest Challenge.

On 7/17 (Tue), an Adventurer completed all the quests for the first time on the Turkey & Mena server!


The First Adventurer who completed all the quests is Sivasian!

Here is the interview we had with the winner. We asked him about his views, opinions, and experiences on Black Desert.


- Hello Adventurer! Can you introduce yourself?

Hello I’m Sivasian. I live in Bursa and I’m 31 years old. My BDO experience started with a friend’s recommendation in December. I liked the game and put a lot of effort in order to learn every detail about the game because you have a colossal world to learn in the game :) My interest in the game is heavily depended on PvP, PvE and lifeskill.


- How do you feel about achieving as the first to finish the quests in TR Mena?

Actually, finishing Secret Quests as first gave me the feeling of a peace after a lot of effort :)

- What triggered you to try the Secret Quest Challenge?

At start, I didn’t even think about being first. I started to do the quests and after each quest it gave me the compassion and willing and after that I strived to be first.

- Did you do the quests alone or did you share info with friends? Do you have a know-how to having finished faster than others?

I wasn’t alone. I was able to finish with brainstorming with my guild friends and others. Special thanks to my guild friend Fawn.

- Which part of the quest was the most difficult? Why was it difficult, and how were you able to overcome this?

The most difficult quests for me was the Earth and the Water quests. In the Earth quest you needed to farm with a great perseverance and in the Water quest reaching to the secret platform was just like a strategy game. Thanks again to Fawn about the suggestions in this matter.



-  Would there be an interesting episode you ran into while doing the quests?

Secret platform for me was the most interesting one.

- Among the hints that were given, which was the most unexpected? Why did that certain hint take you by surprise?

Among the hints, the most unexpected and surprising thing to me was that I had nearly all the elixir materials. This to me was a surprise and also it shows that obtaining all the resources in the game gives an advantage.

- Was there anything you felt was missing from this event when you were doing it?

I want to answer this question in a joking way. Only thing missing from the event was the elevators that would reach us to 6th platform.

- What is your suggestions for newbies and less experienced adventurers of BDO?

My biggest suggestion to newcomers to BDO is to be patient and keep their public relations strong. At first, a newcomer to BDO can be caught up to “What a big world” feeling, I know this from myself. Good will, patience and helping each other is important for success.

- Finally, would there be something you'd want from Black Desert? (to improve, to implement)

Supplying demands in a faster way would be nice. Right now, a lot of players complain about servers being few. Because you can solve unfair competition between players in a grind spot with more servers. With this, you can continue to gain new players without losing them.



That’s it for this interview.

Thank you for your support and participation!

-Turkey & MENA Operation Team-