Hello, Adventurers!
We offer our sincerest gratitude to the players that fought in the 24th Conquest War.
You can check out the detailed war report down below. In the following table, you can see the winners of the territories.
Territory |
Winner Guild |
Participants |
Last Week’s Tax Rate (Approx.) |
Balenos |
QQmore |
- |
16,508.642/601 |
- | UluyanKurt Exalted Anchor Porea Avalon Cocaine SPECTRUM Serin IronHand |
Calpheon |
| VersusAttack Procyon KOTÑ HardPull DØØM |
7,075,132,543 |
Mediah |
Disaster |
- |
23,583,775,144 |
There were no battles in Balenos this week. QQmore was the only one there. We hope to see more participants in Balenos next week!
*No image included because there were no battles in Balenos.
DØØM, Procyon, VersusAttack, HardPull, and KOTÑ were the participants for this week’s Conquest War in Calpheon. The Offensive & Defensive Militia, KOTÑ, HardPull, Procyon, and DØØM fighting near DØØM’s command post. The guilds kept fighting on the open field for a long time.
Procyon, HardPull, and KOTÑ then started to attack the outer gate of DØØM’s castle. Meanwhile, VersusAttack fought against DØØM and the Defensive Militia.
The guilds took the outer gate down together. HardPull and KOTÑ attacked the inner gate with their elephants.
Procyon and VersusAttack were trying to reach the command post. DØØM tried to stop the attackers, but VersusAttack reached DØØM’s command post. The other guilds followed their lead and attacked it together.
DØØM was able to repel the attackers, but the guilds returned quickly. In a short time, they reached the command post and took DØØM down.
Offensive Militia members contributed in fighting DØØM and earned silver for themselves and their own guilds. After taking DØØM down, the guilds stopped fighting. No one rules over Calpheon this week.
There were no battles in Mediah this week. Disaster was the only one there. We hope to see more participants in Mediah next week!
*No image included because there were no battles in Mediah.
UluyanKurt, Exalted, AnchoR, Porea, Avalon, Cocaine, SPECTRUM, Serin, and IronHand were the participants for this week in Serendia. Exalted and Porea started fighting in Heidel. Then SPECTRUM joined the fight and started to attack Porea. Porea returned to their fort and Serin started to attack Porea’s fort. The two guilds took turns attacking Porea’s fort for a long time. Serin eventually took Porea’s fort down.
Exalted and IronHand came out to attack SPECTRUM’s fort, but SPECTRUM repelled them. However, Exalted and IronHand returned to finish SPECTRUM.
Avalon blocked Cocaine's initial assault then started to repair their fort. However, Cocaine came back too soon and eliminated Avalon.
After taking down Avalon, Cocaine took UluyanKurt’s fort down quickly.
It didn’t take Serin long to destroy Anchor’s fort as well. IronHand took Exalted’s fort down.
After all these battles, IronHand and Serin started to attack each other. They duked it out and continued to exchange blows with each other while trying to repair their own forts. Neither of the guilds gave up to the bitter end. The war ended with multiple survivors, so no one rules over Serendia this week.
See you on the next war report.
Thank you for your support and participation!
-Turkey & MENA Operation Team-
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