Black Desert Turkey & MENA Arena of Arsha Tournament Regulations
Article 1 Game & Tournament Title
1.1 Game Title: Black Desert Online (Black Desert)
1.2 Tournament Title: Arena of Arsha Tournament for Turkey & MENA
2. Eligibility
2.1 Any individual that is over the legal age of 15 living in Turkey or the Middle-east and North Africa regions, with an account in Black Desert that has a level 56 character or higher at the moment of application are eligible to participate.
2.2 The individual cannot a record of being restricted from the game within the past 1 year for any type of abuse in the game.
2.5 If the individual is found to be not eligible to participate in the tournament according the aforementioned restrictions, that individual will be removed from the tournament and the next ranked team will win the rights to compete.
Chapter 2 Tournament Procedures
Article 3 Match Format
3.1 Teams: 1 team requires 2 players
3.2 Match Sets
① Online Preliminaries
- Survival (1 round)
- The match-ups will be decided by the organizer. The number of participating teams will depend on the number of participants that appear on the day of the tournament.
② Online Finals
- 16-team single elimination tournament
- The match-ups will be decided by the organizer.
- Round of 16: 1-Set Matches, first to win 2 rounds
>Set 1: 3 round - 2:2 (First to win the round)
- Round of 16: 1-Set Matches, 3 rounds - 2:2 first to win 2 rounds
- Quarterfinals: 3-Set matches, first to win 2 sets
> Set 1: 1 round - 2:2 (First to win the round)
> Set 2: 3 round - 2:2 (First to win 2 rounds)
> Set 3: 1 round - 2:2 (First to win the round)
- Semifinals: 5-Set matches, first to win 3 sets
> Set 1: 1 round - 2:2 (First to win the round)
> Set 2: 1 round - 1:1 (First to win the round)
> Set 3: 1 round - 2:2 (First to win the round)
> Set 4: 1 round - 2:2 (First to win the round)
> Set 5: 1 round - 1:1 (First to win the round)
- Grand Final: 7-Set match, first to win 4 sets
> Set 1: 3 rounds - 2:2 (First to win 2 rounds)
> Set 2: 1 round - 1:1 (First to win 1 round)
> Set 3: 1 round - 2:2 (First to win 1 round)
> Set 4: 1 round - 1:1 (First to win 1 round)
> Set 5: 1 round - 1:1 (First to win 1 round)
> Set 6: 3 round - 2:2 (First to win 2 rounds)
> Set 7: 1 round - 2:2 (First to win 1 round)
** The same player cannot fight in two 1:1 sets in a row.
3.3 Official Tournament System: Arena of Arsha
Article 4 Match Regulations
4.1 Log-in to the game and wait as a party.
4.2 Tournament Client Version: The latest version of the live Turkey & MENA server
4.3 Online Preliminaries
※ The manner in which the tournament is carried out may change depending on
the number of participants at the end of the application period.
Categories | Rules |
Mode | Survival |
Level Requirement | Level 56 and higher |
Round Time Limit | 3 minutes (2 Teams) 5 minutes (3 Teams) 7 minutes (4 Teams) 9 minutes (5 Teams) |
Victory Condition | Team Survival |
Broadcasting | Allowed |
Joining after a match starts | Not Allowed |
Chatting after death | Allowed |
Resurrecting during a match | Not Allowed |
Buffs (Elixirs, food, scrolls) | Removed (Not Allowed) |
Buffs from Skills | Allowed |
Potions | All potions available for use in Arena of Arsha is allowed |
4.4 Online Finals
Categories | Rules |
Matches | Tournament Regulations |
Level Requirement | Level 56 and higher |
Round Time Limit | 3 minutes (Quarter Finals and below) 5 minutes (Semi and Grand Final) |
Victory Condition | 1 Set, first to win 2 rounds (Round of 16) 3 Sets, first to win 2 sets (Quarterfinals) 5 Sets, first to win 3 sets (Semifinals) 7 sets, first to win 4 sets (Grand Final) |
Broadcasting | Allowed |
Joining after a match starts | Not Allowed |
Chatting after death | Allowed |
Resurrecting during a match | Not Allowed |
Buffs (Elixirs, food, scrolls) | Removed (Not Allowed) |
Buffs from Skills | Allowed |
Potions | All potions available for use in Arena of Arsha is allowed |
Article 5 Tie-breaker Rules
5.1 When the time limit runs out, the team with the higher sum of HP % of all team members remaining is the winner.
5.2 If Arena of Arsha system decides the round as a draw, then additional rounds will follow until a winner is decided.
Chapter 3 Match Rules
Article 6 Match Rules
6.1 Players must finish setting their game option and environment and the state of their computer for anything that might affect the outcome of the match before it starts. If any of the aforementioned elements affect the outcome of the match, it is solely the fault of the player.
6.3 The players’ character name must match the character name they entered on the application.
Article 7 Tournament Organizers’ Authority
7.1 The organizer of the tournament is given the highest authority over the decisions made during the tournament. The decisions made by the organizers cannot be overruled.
7.2 The organizers have the responsibility of checking the game to make sure the matches run smoothly.
7.3 The organizers can call the match a draw if they deem the match cannot continue due to circumstances, or if an event arises where it becomes difficult to decide the winner of a match.
7.4 Players may contact the organizers if they wish to forfeit the match due to circumstances.
7.5 The organizer may remove individuals if they are deemed to be significantly changing the outcome of a match.
7.6 Organizers can give additional penalties to players if a player overreacts to the decision made by the organizer or acts in a way that can affect the outcome of a match.
7.7 If there are any disputes regarding the decisions made by the organizer, they can contact the organizers separately (1:1). The organizers will make the final decision after reviewing the disagreement.
7.8 However, in accordance with 7.1 the decision will not be overturned. In the case that the decision is clearly proven to be a mistake, then the organizer who made the decision will be penalized accordingly.
Article 8 Prohibited Actions and Disorderly Conduct
8.1 The organizer may penalize players that are caught doing one of the following.
Penalties | Details |
Caution | ▶ Refusing to follow the instructions of the organizer. ▶ Asking to pause the match so that the player or their team members can fix their game options or equipment settings. ▶ Players or their team members failing to appear at the venue on time. ▶ Clearly causing their computer to shut down or their network device to malfunction, even if it was by mistake. ▶ Using chat to affect the outcome of the game. ▶ Using excessive verbal expressions or purposely taunting the opponents. ※ 2 Cautions = 1 Warning |
Warning | ▶ Abusing a bug in the game. ▶ Using unapproved gear. ▶ Intentionally disconnecting, causing issues to the flow of matches. ▶ Getting warned again for the same reason. ▶ Other reasons that the organizer deems necessary to issue a warning. ※ 2 Warnings = Disqualification |
Disqualification | ▶ Using unapproved illegal software or programs. ▶ If more than the allowed number of players (2) join the voice program. ▶ Using macros or unnatural methods of play. ▶ Unable to continue the tournament due to escalating disputes within the team. ▶ Failing to login on time. |
Article 9 Disconnection
9.1 Players must reconnect after disconnecting and contact the organizer stating if they are able to continue the match or not.
9.2 Disconnecting will count as 1 death or more, the decision will be based on whether the disconnect happened before/after the fighting.
9.3 Decisions made after a disconnect, either by players’ fault or system’s fault, will follow the chart below.
Standard | Description |
Before Fighting | The current set will not count and the set will be done over. |
After Fighting | ▶ Player reconnects and continues the match ▶ The current match will end and the remaining sets will be done over. (Scores from the previous match will carry over)
① In a 2:2 situation, the set will start in the same situation in the previous set. ② In a 2:1 situation, the team that has 2 members remaining may kill the 1 player that was dead during the previous set before the current set officially begins. ③ In a 1:1, the set will restart as a 1:1 with the remaining members coming in as spectators to prepare for the upcoming sets.
※ If the organizer deems that restarting the set significantly changed the outcome, then the match will not count and will be redone from the start.
Article 10 Team Name, Character, Character Name, and Item Use
10.1 Players may not change their character or character names after sending in their application.
10.2 Players may change the appearance of their class in-between sets.
10.3 Team names must be changed if they are deemed inappropriate for broadcasting by the organizers.
10.4 Characters must be substituted if their names are deemed inappropriate for broadcasting by the organizers. If the player cannot provide an adequate substitute, the team will forfeit their spot and the next ranked team will be sent to the finals.
10.5 Players are allowed to use all potions allowed in Arena of Arsha and items implemented in the Turkey & MENA server at the time of the tournament. However, if the organizer deems certain items to cause major issues to the operations of the tournament, the organizer may amend the rules to restrict the use of those items.
10.6 Players may not change their character or class even if the characters’ information is changed between the application to the end of the tournament.
- Additional Clauses -
Article 11 These regulations will take effect the moment they are announced.
Article 12 Regulation Accountability & Amendments
12.1 Organizers may amend the rules if certain implementations or other aspects of the latest update are found to be unfitting for the tournament.
12.2 Players are accountable to constantly check the regulations to not get penalized during the tournament.
12.3 All the regulations and rules will be announced before the tournament. However, if a situation should arises forcing the organizer to make amendments to the regulations and rules, the organizer is accountable to announced on the amendments on the official website.