Black Desert will begin in a moment.

Install the Black Desert Launcher if the game doesn't start.

Install the Black Desert Launcher to start the game.

The launcher will appear if it's installed.
If it doesn't, try to run your downloaded launcher.

Install Guide

1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_TR.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.


Updates Feb 7, 2024, 07:00 (UTC+3) February 7, 2024 (Wed) Update Details


Hello, Adventurers.


Here are the updates made to Black Desert on February 7, 2024.

(Patch size: approx. 1.07 GB)
- Please note that the update for Steam may be larger than the size listed above.


※ Please read below for details.



  • Event 1. What Special Rewards Awaits You?
    • Event Period : Feb 7, 2024 (Wed) after maintenance - Mar 20, 2024 (Wed) before maintenance
[More details]


  • Event 2. A Chance to Get Cups for Accessory Upgrades!
    • Event Period : Feb 7, 2024 (Wed) after maintenance - Feb 21 (Wed) before maintenance
[More details]

  • Event 3. Igor Bartali’s Lunar New Year Gift!
    • Event Period : Feb 7, 2024 (Wed) after maintenance - Feb 21, 2024 (Wed) before maintenance
[More details]


  • Event 4. More Powerful Hot Time in February!
    • Event Period : Feb 7, 2024 (Wed) after maintenance - Feb 28, 2024 (Wed) before maintenance 
[More details]


  • Event 5. Scarecrow Training EXP +50%!
    • Event Period : Feb 7, 2024 (Wed) after maintenance - Feb 21, 2024 (Wed) before maintenance
[More details]


  • Event 6. Catch Plump Amberjacks in the Winter Sea!
    • Event Period : Feb 7, 2024 (Wed) after maintenance - Feb 21, 2024 (Wed) before maintenance
[More details]


  • Event 7. A World of Intense Battles with Guild League!
    • Event Period : Feb 7, 2024 (Wed) after maintenance - Mar 6, 2024 (Wed) before maintenance
[More details]


  • Event 8. Additional Season Ticket!
[More details]

MAJOR UPDATES - Old Moon Guild's Support: PEN (V) Accessories

Old Moon Guild's Support
The "Old Moon Guild's Support", which allows you to obtain PEN (V) accessories, has undergone a revamp. With this new system, you can conveniently upgrade your exclusive accessories up to twice per Family, all through an exclusive UI, not a quest. The same UI also allows you to swap your accessories for a different kind. If you've already begun the enhancement process on your first accessory, you can seamlessly continue your progress under the new system.
  • Added the Old Moon Guild's Support feature which allows PEN (V) accessories to be obtained.
    • Old Moon Guild's support which was once carried out as quests now has a dedicated UI.
※ If you have completed the Old Moon Guild's Trade Offer quest, the Old Moon Guild's Support button will be on the left side of your inventory window.
The "A Cry for Help" quest can be accepted and carried out from Lv. 56 via the Black Spirit.
The Old Moon Guild's Trade Offer quest is offered by Jetina after you complete A Cry for Help.
  • The Old Moon Guild has decided to provide additional support for adventurers who have maintained a close relationship with them.
    • Through the Old Moon Guild's Support, a total of two PEN (V) accessories can be obtained.

Old Moon Guild's Support UI
  • Accessory materials can now be handed over through the UI without the need for recurring daily quests.
※ If you are currently progressing with Jetina's Old Moon Guild accessory quest, you can continue with it from the current progress via the UI.
Items Required
PRI (I) Accessory DUO (II) Accessory TRI (III) Accessory TET (IV) Accessory PEN (V) Accessory
+0 Supported Accessory
Old Moon Alchemy Catalyst x50
Black Stone (Weapon) x500
Magical Shard x15
Yona's Fragment x5
PRI (I) Supported Accessory
Old Moon Alchemy Catalyst x150
Black Stone (Weapon) x1,500
Magical Shard x45
Yona's Fragment x15
DUO (II) Supported Accessory
Old Moon Alchemy Catalyst x200
Black Stone (Weapon) x2,000
Magical Shard x60
Yona's Fragment x20
TRI (III) Supported Accessory
Old Moon Alchemy Catalyst x300
Black Stone (Weapon) x3,000
Magical Shard x90
Yona's Fragment x30
 TET (IV) Supported Accessory
Old Moon Alchemy Catalyst x1,600
Black Stone (Weapon) x11,000
Magical Shard x330
Yona's Fragment x110
※ Items placed in the Old Moon Guild's Support UI cannot be retrieved.

Old Moon Guild's Support - Choose an Accessory
  • Obtain one of the three accessories below via the Old Moon Guild's Support UI.
Selectable Accessories (▼ Choose 1)
Ring of Crescent Guardian
Narc Ear Accessory
Tungrad Earring

Old Moon Guild's Support - Enhance an Accessory
  • In the Old Moon Guild's Support UI, the selected accessory can be enhanced to the next level using materials.
    • The amount of materials required varies according to enhancement level.
    • You can first put in only the amount of each ingredient that you currently have.
※ Once all materials excluding the accessory have been placed in the UI, add the accessory to enhance.
※ For accessories upgraded with cup, exchange can be proceeded with after removing or extracting the cup.
※ Similar to quests, accessories are engraved with your Family Name when enhanced to PEN (V).
※ The TRI (III) accessory previously required for PEN (V) enhancement has been changed to Old Moon Alchemy Catalyst x500.

Old Moon Guild's Support - Accessory Exchange
  • To provide adventurers with a wider range of choices, the newly revised UI allows you to change the type of accessory up to 4 times without any additional cost.
    • These 4 free exchanges are provided to all adventurers after the update, regardless of the status of the existing "A New Choice" quest.
※ The accessory exchange can only be carried out on PEN (V) enhancement level.
※ ※ When exchanging PEN (V) accessories, if the original accessory was branded, the brand is now maintained.
Before After
- [EXC] A New Choice I & II quests allow for 2 free exchanges
- Starting from the 3rd exchange, hand over Gold Bar 10,000G x2 for a single exchange via [Daily] New Choice quest
- Through the UI, you can change up to 4 times for free
- Starting from the 5th exchange, spend Gold Bar 10,000G x2 for unlimited daily changes via the Old Moon Guild's Support UI
※ With the revision of the Old Moon Guild's Support, the following has been applied.
1. Removed the 40 quests and the Simple Alchemy formula to obtain Burning Moonlight Black Stone Powder.
- Accordingly, these quests and items can no longer be accepted or obtained, and ongoing quests have been forfeited.
- If you have partially completed a quest by handing over some items but have not completed the quest, the items you handed over have been returned.
2. The following items, which were needed for the enhancement of the Old Moon Guild's Support exclusive accessory, have been replaced with the items below.
- Burning Moonlight Black Stone Powder x1 → Gold Bar 10G x2
- Burning Moonlight Black Stone x1 → *Burning Moonlight Black Stone Material Box x1
- Dancing Moonlight Black Stone x1 → *Dancing Moonlight Black Stone Material Box x1
* Burning Moonlight Black Stone Material Box: Gold Bar 10G x2, Yona's Fragment x1, Magical Shard x3, Old Moon Alchemy Catalyst x10, Black Stone (Weapon) x100
* Dancing Moonlight Black Stone Material Box: Gold Bar 1,000G x2, Gold Bar 100G x2, Yona's Fragment x110, Magical Shard x330, Old Moon Alchemy Catalyst x1,600, Black Stone (Weapon) x11,000
(The TRI (III) accessory you handed over to get a Dancing Moonlight Black Stone is returned as the changed material, Old Moon Alchemy Catalyst x500.)



Main Weapon & Succession
  • Changed the animation speed of the following skills:
    • Hammer in the Knee
    • Hammer Punch
    • Drop Kick
    • Gravity Field
    • Hammerdown
      • Adjusted the distance traveled during the skill accordingly.
    • Hammer Strike
    • Gravity Press
    • Potential Energy
    • Flow: Golden Blockade
    • Flow: Golden Trajectory
    • Flow: Golden Wave
    • Flow: Golden Skyfall
      • Adjusted the distance traveled during the skill accordingly.
    • Hammer Smash
    • Hammerfall
    • Infinite Power
    • Hammer Spin
    • Hammer Rush
  • Changed to transition to a light landing animation when the falling animation is displayed and close to the ground.
  • Fixed the issue where Flow: Golden Barrier and Flow: Golden Trajectory could be performed without equipping your sledgehammer.
  • Fixed the issue where the Skill Demo for Flow: Golden Vines was shown as Elvia: Space Distortion.

Potential Energy (I to Absolute)
  • Changed the skill as follows:
    • Added an effect of Attack/Casting Speed -20% for 5 sec on hits.
    • Removed the effect of All DP +10/10/15/15/20/20 for 10 sec when using the skill.
      • This effect has been transferred to Core Fusion.
Gravity Blink
  • Changed the skill to start moving immediately after throwing the hammer.
Gravity Press
  • Increased the movement speed of the skill.
  • Improved to smoothly climb inclined areas while airborne.
Golden Boon
  • Changed the description of the skill to be more detailed.
Flow: Golden Thunder
  • Changed the skill to increase the attack area based on the falling height.
    • Falling height Lv. 1
    • Falling height Lv. 2

    • Falling height Lv. 3
Hammer Spin (I to IV)
  • Changed the skill as follows:
    • Removed the effect of All Speed -15% for 5 sec on hits.
      • This effect has been transferred to Potential Energy.
    • Added an effect of HP Recovery 40/50/60/70 based on the skill level on hits.
Core Fusion
  • Added an effect of All DP +20 for 10 sec when using the skill.
One Giant Leap, Black Spirit: One Giant Leap
  • Increased the distance traveled and decreased the jump height of the skills.
Flow: Golden Pillar
  • Improved to smoothly combo into main weapon skills.



Guild League

The Guild League content has been updated. The Guild League is a PvP content where guilds compete in 15 vs 15 battles. Once the league starts, guilds that have applied to participate will be paired for matches, and thereafter, up to 15 guild members who wish to fight can participate and battle with the matched guild.

This Guild League has been prepared with a desire to make PvP more accessible and enjoyable. We understand that solo play can be intimidating, and we want to highlight the importance of teamwork. We hope that the thrill of banding together with your guildmates, coordinating your strategies, and taking on rival guilds will add a whole new layer of enjoyment to the PvP experience. We also hope that this will spark an interest in those guilds yet to dip their toes into the world of combat and PvP. Additionally, we're working on rewarding those guilds that demonstrate exceptional teamwork and prowess.

※ We ask for the active participation of guilds and adventurers who are ready for a challenge.

  • Introduced the new PvP content, Guild League.
Guild League
How to Participate
  • Press the "Apply" button in the Guild League menu in the Guild window (G).
  • Press the "Apply" button in the Guild League menu in the War (F7) in the Menu (ESC).
※ However, Guild League entry is not available in certain areas. (Atoraxxion, Battle Arena, Old Moon Grand Prix, etc.)
※ Only the Guild Master, Advisor, Staff, Secretary, and Guild Officer can apply for matchmaking.
Application Period
  • Weekdays from 5 PM to 1 AM, Weekends from 1 PM to 1 AM
  • Guild League matches start every hour and half hour.
- If you apply at 2:15 PM, the matching will be complete at 2:30 PM, and the Guild League match will start once the opponent is determined.
- Priority for faster matchmaking is given based on the order of application.
※ Unavailable during Node/Conquest War.
(Unavailable during Node/Conquest War period even if they end early.)


Guild League - Rules

Guild League Rules
  • 10 - 15 members
Match Duration
  • Match Duration: 20 min
    • After the match is set, there is a 2-min waiting time to enter the Guild League.
    • There is a 1-min waiting time after the match ends, after which you will automatically exit the Guild League.
    • You can freely enter and exit the Guild League after the match starts.
Victory Conditions
  • Victory Conditions: Achieve 1,000 points (100 kills) or the guild with the higher score wins when the match ends.
    • If the scores are tied, the battle continues, and the first guild to score a kill wins.
  • Points Earned
    • The first kill awards 50 points.
    • Every kill after awards 10 points per kill.
  • Each guild has one revival point at a designated location.
    • The revival waiting time is approximately 3 seconds, and there is no limit to the number of revivals.
    • If you are out of combat upon revival, you will be Invincible and have a Damage Reduction effect for a certain period.
    • There are no revival penalties such as EXP decrease or crystal destruction.
  • Accumulating 3 penalties leads to a 1-week ban from the league.
    • You will need at least 10 participants from your guild before a match begins or face immediate defeat and a penalty.
    • If your guild's participant count falls below 5, it will be considered a loss. The match will end automatically, and a penalty will be given.

- If you exit during the Guild League, anyone from the same guild can step in for you.

 * However, damage and debuffs recorded during the match are reset upon exit.
- Guild members who joined the guild after matching cannot enter the ongoing match.
- The notification duration for consecutive kills is 15 sec.
- Equipment durability does not decrease during the match.
- Cannot use Escape within the Guild League battlefield.
- Consumable items can be used without limits, but Medical Kit cannot be used.
- Install items, such as Stun Trap and Cannon, and transformation items cannot be used.
- You are automatically assigned to a platoon when you enter the match and automatically leave upon exit.
- If you are already in a party/platoon, you can enter after leaving the party/platoon.
- Adventurers joining a guild as War Heroes will not be able to see the Guild League menu and will not be able to join as well.

Guild League - Battlefield
  • The battlefields for the Guild League are as follows:
Navarn Steppe Heidel Northern Guard Camp

Guild League - Match Results
  • After the match ends, you can check various information about the participants through the match results.

Guild League - Rankings
  • Rankings in the Guild League are determined by the Guild League points obtained.
    • When the Guild League first starts, you start with 400 points.
    • When you win or lose in the Guild League, your score changes according to the result, and matches are made based on the score range.
Ranking Points
Win: +20 ranking points Loss: -15 ranking points
※ Based on the ranking point range, a bonus and adjustment system is applied to the points obtained.
401 - 800 points Win: Earn an additional 3 points, Loss: Adjust by 3 points
- Win: Base earned ranking points 20 + additional 3 = +23 points
- Loss: Base deducted ranking points 15 - adjustment 3 = -12 points
0 - 400 points Win: Earn an additional 5 points, Loss: Adjust by 5 points
- Win: Base earned ranking points 20 + additional 5 = +25 points
- Loss: Base deducted ranking points 15 - adjustment 5 = -10 points

Dormancy Penalty
  • If you do not participate in matches for a certain period within a specific score range, your score will be periodically deducted based on the score range.
1,601 points or more Non-participation in a match for 5 days results in a 50 points deduction every 2 days.
1,201 to 1,600 points Non-participation in a match for 5 days results in a 40 points deduction every 2 days.
801 to 1,200 points Non-participation in a match for 5 days results in a 30 points deduction every 2 days.
For example, if you achieved 1,700 points and played your last match on Jan 1, but did not play for 5 days until Jan 6, ranking points will be deducted on Jan 8, which is 2 days later.

Guild League - Rewards
  • Based on the results of the Guild League, you can obtain the following rewards.
    • These rewards are for the trial match period and are subject to change periodically.
Winner Loser

[Guild League Victory Reward]

- Gold Bar 1,000G x2
- Whale Tendon Potion x5
- Whale Tendon Elixir x3
- Perfume of Courage x3
- Khalk's Elixir x3
- Elixir of Deep Sea x3
- Essence of Gallantry x1
- Essence of Courage x1
- Essence of Honor x1
- Large amount of Combat EXP

[Guild League Resolve Reward]
- Gold Bar 1,000G x1
- Whale Tendon Potion x3
- Whale Tendon Elixir x1
- Perfume of Courage x1
- Khalk's Elixir x1
- Elixir of Deep Sea x1
- Essence of Gallantry x1
- Essence of Courage x1
- Essence of Honor x1
- Combat EXP
※ The regular season of the Guild League will be announced later through a notice. During the trial match period, the Guild League scores will be reset once during Feb 14 (Wed) maintenance.


Imperial Horse Delivery at All Stables

We've upgraded the system so you can now make use of the Imperial Horse Delivery through stable keepers in all regions, not just the major cities. We know that our adventurers who enjoy the life of training often plan their routes around the big cities for the sake of convenience when it comes to delivering their fully-grown steeds. With this new improvement, we hope to give you the freedom to enjoy your training in various places without the need to trek back to the city to proceed with the Imperial Delivery.
  • Changed so that you can now deliver horses to the Imperial Delivery through stable keepers in all regions.
Before After
Imperial Horse Delivery available at major city stables
Imperial Horse Delivery unavailable at non-major city stables
(e.g., Glish, Central Guard Camp)
Imperial Horse Delivery available at stables in all regions


Barrier of Infestation Weekly → General Quest

  • Changed the quests in the Barrier of Infestation as follows.
    • The quest has been changed from a weekly quest to a general quest, and the quest objective has been changed as follows.
    • The Kzarka subjugation quest in I & II quests has been simplified to be carried out through dialogue.
    • The descriptions of related items have been changed according to the quest progression.
Quest Name Quest Completion Condition Quest Progression
[Elvia] Kzarka: Barrier of Infestation I Defeat Deprived Kzarka and hand over the Thorn of Crimson Agony to Lejenti Listen to the story about the Thorn of Crimson Agony
[Elvia] Kzarka: Barrier of Infestation II Defeat Transmuting Kzarka and hand over the Thorn of Tormented Flesh to Lejenti Listen to the story about the Thorn of Tormented Flesh
[Elvia] Kzarka: Barrier of Infestation III Defeat Restrained Kzarka and hand over the Thorn of Broken Greed to Lejenti No change
[Elvia] Kzarka: Barrier of Infestation IV Defeat Consumed Kzarka and hand over the Thorn of Utter Infestation to Lejenti No change
[Elvia] Kzarka: Barrier of Infestation V Defeat Transcended Kzarka and hand over the Thorn of Transcended Evil to Lejenti No change
※ If you have lost the quest item, you can receive it again via Lejenti or the Black Spirit.
  • Changed the rewards for the Barrier of Infestation quests as follows:
    • The rewards that could be obtained from I & II quests have been distributed to III - V.
Quest Name Previous Rewards Changed Rewards (Distributed to III - V)
[Elvia] Kzarka: Barrier of Infestation I 300 Contribution EXP
Predator's Roots x10
Cron Stone x50
Knowledge - Barrier of Infestation I: Depraved Soul

300 Contribution EXP

Knowledge - Barrier of Infestation I: Depraved Soul

[Elvia] Kzarka: Barrier of Infestation II 300 Contribution EXP
Predator's Roots x15
Ancient Spirit Dust x250
Knowledge - Barrier of Infestation II: Tormented Flesh

300 Contribution EXP
Predator's Roots x5

Knowledge - Barrier of Infestation II: Tormented Flesh

[Elvia] Kzarka: Barrier of Infestation III 300 Contribution EXP
Predator's Roots x20
Knowledge - Barrier of Infestation III: Restrained Desires
All DP +1 (Family-wide, Permanent)
300 Contribution EXP
Predator's Roots x30
Knowledge - Barrier of Infestation III: Restrained Desires
All DP +1 (Family-wide, Permanent)
[Elvia] Kzarka: Barrier of Infestation IV 300 Contribution EXP
Predator's Roots x30
Ancient Spirit Dust x250
Knowledge - Barrier of Infestation IV: Infestation Complete
Max HP +20 (Family-wide, Permanent)
300 Contribution EXP
Predator's Roots x40
Ancient Spirit Dust x500
Knowledge - Barrier of Infestation IV: Infestation Complete
Max HP +20 (Family-wide, Permanent)
[Elvia] Kzarka: Barrier of Infestation V

300 Contribution EXP
Predator's Roots x50

Knowledge - Barrier of Infestation V: Transcending Instincts
All AP +1 (Family-wide, Permanent)

300 Contribution EXP
Predator's Roots x50
Cron Stone x50
Knowledge - Barrier of Infestation V: Transcending Instincts
All AP +1 (Family-wide, Permanent)


  • Reset accumulated recommendations in chat groups with today’s regular maintenance.
    • Adventurers who possess the gold, silver, or bronze Black Spirit icons have been awarded a 90-day title as a token of gratitude for their hard work and dedication.
    • For the Hall of Adventurers chat groups, adventurers who possess the gold, silver, or bronze Black Spirit icons within their respective class chat groups have also been awarded a 90-day title.
    • Previous rewards for chat group ranking titles have all been deleted through this week’s regular maintenance.
Chat Group Gold Silver Bronze
Lunar Halo Inn Protector of Newbies Luminary of Newbies Herald of Newbies
Dancing Marlin Tavern Oh Captain, My Captain Reliable First Mate Hardworking Steerer
Battle Arena Fist of Legend Born to Fight Backstreet Fighter
Hystria Ruins Relentless Slayer Perceptive Hunter Clever Tracker
Florin Neighborhood Meeting Touch of Midas Crafty Diligent Life Skiller
Garnier Troupe Virtuoso Genius Composer Rhapsodist
Heidel's Street City Celebrity Famed Storyteller Street Herald
Hall of Adventurers Pathfinder Role Model Mentor



Season Character Ticket

  • Issued 1 Season Character Ticket to all adventurers.
    • Season servers are special servers designed with novice Adventurers in mind. Leveling is also faster compared to normal servers.
      • You'll find the Season Character Ticket counter displayed in the Character Selection window after logging in.
      • You can hold up to 5 Season Character Tickets at a time.
      • If you already have an active season character, the Season Character Ticket can be used after graduation.

※ Updated the entry conditions for the exclusive new adventurer server due to the issuance of a new Season Character Ticket.

- If there are characters in the queue for deletion at the start of maintenance, their level will be included in the total level calculation of the Family.


Evergreen Season Special Gift!

  • Added Evergreen Season Special Gift.
    • Season Gift Exchange Coupon can be exchanged for Advice of Valks (+150) Box.
      • Open the box to obtain Advice of Valks (+150).
    • Season Gift Exchange Coupon can be obtained when you reach the next goal in the Season Pass.
      • Season Pass Goal: Reach Lv. 10 with your season character
      • Season Pass Reward: Season Gift Exchange Coupon x1

※ Season Gift Exchange Coupon will not be stored in your inventory, and can be checked via Fughar in town.


  • Changed the Exchange Coupon requirements displayed in the Season Special Gift window to the Evergreen Season Pass content.


  • Added additional exchange items that can be obtained by exchanging [Season] Seal of Journey and a related quest.
Exchangeable at All Times
[Season] Seal of Journey x2 Valks' Cry x1
1 Exchange per Family
[Season] Seal of Journey x50 Horse Emblem: Tier 8 Golden Horse (Female)
[Season] Seal of Journey x70 Health/Strength/Breath EXP Exchange Coupons
[Season] Seal of Journey x70

PEN (V) Acc. 100% Enhancement Kit


- Black Stone (Weapon) x1,000
- Yona's Fragment x60
- Magical Shard x180

3 Exchanges per Family
[Season] Seal of Journey x40

Krogdalo Horse Gear Crafting Box II


- Garmoth's Scale x100

Selectable Reward (Choose 1)

Pure Vanadium Crystal x30
Pure Noc Crystal x30
Pure Titanium Crystal x30 



  • Added the crafting recipe for the Life Crystal and Vital Crystal, allowing them to be obtainable through Processing, not quests.
    • Also added a guide to the crafting recipe to the description of Forest Crystal.
Vital Crystal
Processing (L) - Simple Alchemy
Forest Crystal x1, Trace of Forest x50, Magical Shard x50, Magical Lightstone Crystal x100, Bloody Tree Knot x10

Life Crystal
Processing (L) - Simple Alchemy
Forest Crystal x1, Trace of Forest x50, Magical Shard x50, Magical Lightstone Crystal x100, Spirit's Leaf x10
※ Changed the quests from "Chorong Merchant Guild" Hyunyong to be no longer available.
- Any ongoing quest can be completed as before.

  • Updated the Central Market to increase the max purchase limit when an excessive quantities of the following 15 types of items are registered.
Item Qty of Listed Items Max Purchase Limit
Remnants of Burnt Spirits 500 or more 100 per purchase
Green Coral 1000 or more 500 per purchase
Golden Coral 1000 or more 500 per purchase
White Coral 1000 or more 500 per purchase
Ouk Pill of Time and Tide 500 or more 100 per purchase
Blue Whale Meat 1000 or more 500 per purchase
Blue Whale Oil 1000 or more 500 per purchase
Blue Whale Tendon 1000 or more 500 per purchase
Thick Turo Blood 1000 or more 500 per purchase
Corrupted Breath 1000 or more 500 per purchase
Scorching Sun Shard 1000 or more 500 per purchase
Concentrated Magical Black Stone (Weapon) 1000 or more 500 per purchase
Concentrated Magical Black Stone (Armor) 1000 or more 500 per purchase
Origin of Wind 1000 or more 500 per purchase
Sweet Honey Wine 1000 or more 500 per purchase

A new crafting recipe for the Old Moon Censer has been added, allowing you to craft the Old Moon Censer in different ways depending on the materials you have.

Currently, among the two crafting methods, the one that uses Pure Mineral Crystals (Copper/Tin) and Melody of the Stars as main ingredients to craft the censer is widely used. However, this method requires Metal Solvent, making it difficult to easily purchase the lower ingredients needed for its production, and there's the burden of having to enhance blue grade accessories.

The new crafting recipe added with this update is a method that alleviates the hassle of pre-purchasing materials such as Metal Solvent, Rough Stone, and Trace of Savagery, and the burden of having to enhance blue grade accessories. It utilizes ingots instead of Pure Mineral Crystals, and uses materials that can be purchased at any time from NPC shops instead of enhancing blue grade accessories. This is offered as an option for a less cumbersome process, allowing adventurers who want to reduce the burden of Central Market purchases or enhancements, even if it means spending a bit more Silver.

With the addition of the new crafting recipe, the tedious process of "Purchase > Unboxing > Enhancement > Heating enhanced accessories" will no longer be repeated, and the Mysterious accessories that were used for Central Market sales will be discontinued. To facilitate better sales and purchases, the maximum price of the Everlasting Herb will be increased, following its increased drop quantity and expanded sources of gathering.

  • The Old Moon Guild has successfully crafted pure substances using the Old Moon Alchemy Catalyst. However, it appears that their preparations are not yet complete, and they require additional ingredients.
    • Added a new crafting recipe to make an Old Moon Censer.
Craftable Item Processing (L) - Manufacture with the following materials
Old Moon Censer
- Old Moon Censer Mold x1
- Magical Lightstone Crystal x300
- Old Moon Alchemy Catalyst x400
- Copper Ingot x1,000
- Tin Ingot x1,000
  • Changed the max price of Everlasting Herb in the Central Market.
Before After
300,000 Silver 1,000,000 Silver
  • The supply of Mysterious Accessories has been discontinued, and vendors stopped selling them.
    • Mysterious Necklace
    • Mysterious Ring
    • Mysterious Belt
    • Mysterious Earring
  • Improved so that you can purchase a Hesus Ring from blacksmith NPCs for 150,000 Silver.

Ocean Haze Ring

Amidst the thick fog of the morning sea, a ring of special energy was discovered in a cave on Padix Island. The Cox Pirates shared stories of this ring amongst them, calling it the Ocean Haze Ring.
  • Added Ocean Haze Ring.
    • Can be obtained from monster zone on Padix Island.
Enhancement Tier Equip Effect
Ocean Haze Ring DP 2
Evasion 2 (+3)
Accuracy 2
PRI (I) Ocean Haze Ring DP 4
Evasion 4 (+5)
Accuracy 4
DUO (II) Ocean Haze Ring DP 6
Evasion 6 (+7)
Accuracy 6
TRI (III) Ocean Haze Ring DP 8
Evasion 8 (+9)
Accuracy 8
TET (IV) Ocean Haze Ring DP 10
Evasion 10 (+11)
Accuracy 10
PEN (V) Ocean Haze Ring DP 12
Evasion 12 (+13)
Accuracy 12
  • Changed the reward and condition of the following:
  Before After
Ranchini the Liar I-IV quest rewards Mysterious accessories Root Treant's accessories
Condition to acquire The Principle of Crystals knowledge from Dora Fonti Hand over Talis accessories Hand over Fruit of Magic Power
Pavino Greko's Collection - Volume 4 Hand over DUO (II) Belt of Shultz the Gladiator to Dora Fonti Hand over DUO (II) Ancient Weapon Core to Dora Fonti


  • Fixed the keypad to not be displayed when using Shattered Dragon's Malice.
  • Changed the icon of the junk loot in the [Dehkia's Lantern] Aakman Temple.
  • Added a phrase to the description of the following items stating that they can also be obtained in the Yzrahid Highlands.
    • Kabua's Fragment, Kabua's Artifact, Embers of Resonance, Flame of Resonance.


  • Changed [Event] Splat Fisher's Fishing Rod to no longer be usable with the end of the "The Secret of the Serene Spring: Ice Fishing!" event.


City of the Dead
  • Changed the position of some monsters blocking pathways near the monster zone.

  • Increased drop rates of loot in the below areas.
Monster Zone Loot Drop Rate Change
Thornwood Forest Quturan's Left Lung Increased by approx. 1.2 times
Quturan's Black Leaf Increased by approx. 1.08 times
Tunkuta Tunkuta Quturan's Right Lung Increased by approx. 2.6 times
Quturan's Ashen Leaf Increased by approx. 3.1 times

  • Added the below items to the loot table of normal monsters in [Dehkia's Lantern] Thornwood Forest.
    • Quturan's Left Lung
    • Quturan's Black Leaf


  • Improved big ships to stop at the destination when arriving at guided locations during the use of BreezySail.
    • Fixed the issue where Auto-run would cause ships to continue forward past their destination during the use of BreezySail.
Big Ships
Guild Galley
Improved Guild Galley
Epheria Sailboat
Epheria Frigate
Improved Epheria Sailboat
Improved Epheria Frigate
Epheria Caravel
Epheria Galleass
Epheria Carrack (Advance/Balance/Flight/Valor)
Epheria Galleon
  • Fixed the issue where you were either moved back or fell off after jumping while on fast moving big ships.
Before After
  • Improved horses to stop at the destination of guided locations during the use of Sprint.



  • Improved the Old Moon Guild's Request: Uncover Oquilla's Eye's Secret quest to display the difficulty in the title.
    • Before: [Weekly] Old Moon Guild's Request: Uncover Oquilla's Eye's Secret (Small/Medium/Large/Extra Large)
    • After: [Weekly] [Difficulty 0/1/2/3] Old Moon Guild's Request: Uncover Oquilla's Eye's Secret
※ In accordance with this change, quest objectives have also been improved to display the difficulty.
  • Fixed the quest acceptance condition for the [Elvia] The Fate of Glish quest in Suggested to match the quest name.


  • Improved clicking RMB on Arehaza in the World Map (M) to navigate you to Chief Dudora Doriven.
  • Changed Merindora to display the "Merindora's Element" exchange list even when you don't have any Meal items.
  • Soldiers of Crucio Domongatt have started their guard duty at Heidel Castle.
  • Improved the navigation within Heidel Castle to be more natural.
  • Improved so that approaching the Aakshrad Mountains in Southern Ulukita will now activate the Aakshrad Mountains node.
  • Changed the area below the cliff in the Fris Snowfield of Southern Ulukita to a restricted zone.
  • Fixed the discovery of the Karasi Canyon in Southern Ulukita to give you the geographic knowledge of Karasi Canyon.


  • The "Black-Robed Man" of Velia has given up his role of finding the location of online adventurers.
    • Removed the function that confirms the location of other adventurers through this NPC.



  • Improved Mount Transport to list selectable nodes by region.
    • Click on the region icons on the left of the UI to move the slider to the selected region.

  • Added the Another Adventurer's Choice button to be displayed for the below items during enhancement.
Green Grade Mount Equipment Blue Grade Mount Equipment
[Guild] Improved Galley: Dragon Figurehead
[Guild] Improved Galley: Enhanced Black Plating
[Guild] Improved Galley: Maria Cannon
[Guild] Improved Galley: Sky Wind Sail
Panokseon: Haemo's Cannon
Panokseon: Haemo's Sail
Panokseon: Haemo's Figurehead
Panokseon: Haemo's Plating
[Guild] Improved Galley: Enhanced Dragon Figurehead
[Guild] Improved Galley: Enhanced Obsidian Plating
[Guild] Improved Galley: Sophia Cannon
[Guild] Improved Galley: High Cloud Sail
Panokseon: Byukgye's Enhanced Cannon
Panokseon: Byukgye's Enhanced Sail
Panokseon: Byukgye's Enhanced Figurehead
Panokseon: Byukgye's Enhanced Plating


  • Changed and unified the following in Turkish:
    • Cartian'ın Torunu/Cartian'ın Soyundan Gelenler → Cartian'ın Soyundan Gelen
    • Küçük Kızıl Ejderha → Yavru Kızıl Ejderha
    • Cennet Hayali Kuran Genç Ejderha → Cennet Hayali Kuran Yavru Ejderha


  • [Striker] Fixed the unnatural movement when using the lantern.
  • Fixed the issue where you could not acquire knowledge of Lake Sefirah - Downstream.
  • Fixed the issue where the navigation would guide you to under the surface instead of the surface when setting a route in the ocean.
  • Fixed the issue where frame drops occurred when setting multiple destinations in the ocean with Quick Route mode toggled on.
  • Fixed the discrepancy between the actual item name and the item description in the "Almost Broken" quest from Murat.
  • Fixed the issue where unnecessary records were sometimes left when using the Give Gift function to NPCs.
  • Fixed the Dokkebi Princess to appear more naturally according to the terrain height at the start of Black Shrine's Boss Blitz.
  • Fixed the issue where tooltip information was not displayed in the empty mount equipment slot when selecting a mount at the Wharf/Stable.
  • Fixed the description of Stone of Malice to be more natural.
  • Fixed the issue where you could not move the map by dragging when checking the information of Asparkan and Muzgar on the World Map (M).
  • Fixed the issue where the description of the Lucky Gathering Tool was displayed in the Hunting and Gathering UI of the My Information (P) window.
  • Fixed the name of the Mountain of Eternal Winter region in the Abyssal Well's Comms UI.
  • Fixed the issue where the Value Pack expiration window did not appear when collecting gains for items that have already been sold on the web Central Market's sales page.
  • Fixed the issue where the lights installed on the mast of the Improved Guild Galley were unnatural.
  • Fixed the issue where the "Auto-move to Storage" button became opaque after moving an item from the inventory to the trash in storage.
  • Fixed the issue where the Artisan's/Master's Special Stuffed Boar Head were displayed on the Central Market.
  • Fixed the issue where the scroll button could not be used in the Check Trade Price window on the World Map (M).
  • Fixed the issue where, while on large ships, the BreezySail auto-use function continued to use the skill even after arriving at the destination when the game was minimized with the Pearl Shop (F3) open.
  • Fixed the issue where invisible weeds were located at certain locations in the Kamasylvia Vicinity.
  • Fixed the issue where invisible weeds were located at certain locations in the Kamasylvia Vicinity.
  • Fixed the issue where the "[Bonus] Dalishain's New Route for Business" quest did not occur when delivering yellow grade fish to the Imperial Delivery.
  • Fixed the issue where the "[Bonus] Dalishain's New Route for Business" quest occurred too frequently when delivering blue grade fish to the Imperial Delivery.
  • Fixed the issue where adventurers who were riding a horse together using the Two-Seater skill were also moved when using the Abyssal Well.
  • Fixed the issue where there was no collision with the barricades during the Old Moon Grand Prix races.
  • Fixed the issue where the equipment window did not open when closing Yaz's Combinables Pouch.
  • Fixed the issue where the appearance of some outfits overlapped when wearing certain helmets and earrings together.
  • [Ranger, Drakania] Fixed the issue where some parts of the Academia outfit appeared unnatural on certain body shapes.
  • [Ranger] Fixed the issue where the appearance of the Academia helmet appeared unnatural when worn with certain customizations.
  • [Tamer] Fixed the issue where some parts of the body moved after wearing the Academia outfit.
  • [Scholar] Fixed the issue where some parts of the hair were unnaturally displayed when wearing the Taebaek outfit.
  • [Ninja] Fixed the issue where a shadow appeared on the character's forehead when wearing the New Year Hanbok outfit.
  • [Woosa, Maegu] Fixed the issue where some parts of the appearance appeared unnatural underwater when wearing the New Year Hanbok outfit on certain body shapes.
  • Fixed the issue where abnormal phrases were sometimes displayed in the Rankings UI.
  • Fixed the issue where the BreezySail skill was not automatically used during Auto-run (T) without navigation route.
  • Fixed the issue where you could not complete the Happy Prorio quest.