Black Desert will begin in a moment.

Install the Black Desert Launcher if the game doesn't start.

Install the Black Desert Launcher to start the game.

The launcher will appear if it's installed.
If it doesn't, try to run your downloaded launcher.

Install Guide

1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_TR.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.

Adventurer's Guide

Waragon Nest

Last Edited on : May 31, 2019, 16:29 (UTC+3)

The Waragon that inhabits Valencia is different from the Waragon species that live underground and on wetlands.
The desert Waragon live in the canyon and build bird-like nests in the shade to adapt to harsh land conditions.



Key Points



Recommended Level

Lvl 55~56


Distance from town


It’s not too far from Sand Grain Bazaar…

User Density


Looking to achieve a title? Let’s do it together.



Just about right.

Hunting Satisfaction


Nothing beats hunting for Waragons!

Unique Drop



Where do I park my mount?


Before you enter the hunting zone

Area Classification


Not a desert



Monster Types and Level

1) Basic Monster Information

We will briefly go over the monster level and the type of monsters you will encounter in Waragon Nest.


Monster level: Mostly level 57~59

Melee: Stone Waragon, Stone Mutant Waragon, Stone Prickle Lizard

Ranged: Stone Worm

Violent (Sugar Candy): Stone Waragon

Other: Stone Waragon Egg


2) Features

- Desert Waragon nest can be found in the inner parts of the canyon.

- No need to for Purified Water and Star Anise Tea, because the region is not part of the desert.

- Don’t forget about the Mutant Waragon that hatches from the Stone Waragon Egg when you hunt.


Level/Equipment Requirements

If we were to categorize the hunting zone of Valencia to level 1/2/3, Waragon Nest would be categorized as level 1.

You’ll have an easy time hunting here as long as you have the recommended AP/DP requirement.


※ If you didn’t awaken your character yet, add +10 to the minimum/recommended AP and DP.

For example, if you have 140 AP and 200 DP, try to aim for 150~ AP and 210~ DP.






Minimum Requirement

Lvl 55~56



Recommended Requirement

Lvl 56






1) Things to Look Out For

The only thing you have to watch out for is the Violent Stone Waragon (Sugar Candy) and the Mutant Waragon.

As mentioned earlier, the Mutant Waragon hatches from the Stone Waragon. Although the Mutant Waragon hides underground, the Mutant Waragon will surface when it attacks.


2) Hunting Spots and Route

You’ll save time getting from one spot to the other if you have high movement speed, because monsters appear in all areas of the zone.


Main Drop Items

Stone Creature’s Skin

Worm Hide

Waragon Meat

Black Stone (Armor)

Black Stone (Weapon)

Black Magic Crystal - Sturdiness


[Trend] User Density

You won’t find unique drops at Waragon Nest which is the one of the reasons why it is not popular.

However, you can obtain the popular ‘Chubby’ title at Waragon Nest. Users with good equipment sometimes visit Waragon Nest, because the monsters drop ‘Black Magic Crystal-Sturdiness’.

Overall, Waragon Nest is a moderately difficult hunting zone which provides decent EXP. If you plan at Waragon Nest, make sure you pick up the Waragon Nest hunting quest from the Node Manager NPC Moria.